Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

(The Report on the occupied territories is appended at the end of this Report.)

With a population of approximately 6.9 million (including about 5 million Jews within Israel),Israel is a multiparty parliamentary democracy. "Basic laws" enumerate fundamental rights. The 120-member, unicameral Knesset, has the power to dissolve the government and mandate elections. Both the 16th (most recent) Knesset and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon were elected democratically in 2003. In November Sharon requested that the president dissolve the Knesset, announced that he was leaving the Likud Party, and established a new party, Kadima ("move forward"). The president set elections for March 28, 2006. On December 29, pursuant to presidential decree, the Knesset was dissolved.

The judiciary is independent and sometimes ruled against the executive, including in some security cases. Notwithstanding some cases of abuse by individuals, the civilian authorities maintained effective control of the security forces. (An annex to this report covers human rights in the occupied territories. This report deals only with human rights in Israel.)

In August and September, Israel withdrew all civilians and military personnel from all 21 Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip and from 4 settlements in the northern West Bank of the over 200 settlements there. Palestinians in the occupied territories are not citizens of the country and do not enjoy the rights of citizens, even if living in areas under full Israeli authority or arrested in Israel. The approximately 20 thousand non-Israeli residents of the Golan Heights were subject to Israeli authority and Israeli law.

The government generally respected the human rights of its citizens; however, there were problems in some areas, including the following:

  • serious abuses by some members of the security forces against Palestinian detainees
  • Palestinian terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians and Israeli Defense Force (IDF) soldiers
  • resulted in the death of 29 civilians and an IDF soldier within Israel
  • poor conditions in some detention and interrogation facilities
  • improper application of security internment procedures (see annex)
  • institutional, legal, and societal discrimination against the country's Arab citizens
  • discrimination in personal and civil status matters against non-Orthodox Jews
  • societal violence and discrimination against women
  • trafficking in and abuse of women and foreign workers
  • de facto discrimination against persons with disabilities
  • government corruption

To View the Full Report as PDF (280 KB)

By the Same Author
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