Friday, 20 September. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Ramallah – MIFTAH recently launched the second phase of lobbying and advocacy campaigns in the Qalqilya districts including Qalqilya city, Azzoun and Hableh villages, thus supporting TAJAAWOB main goal in promoting mechanisms of social accountability at the local and national levels, says MIFTAH’s Program Director, Lamis Shuaibi “The campaigns were based on supporting the principle of partnership between local communities and official institutions in order to contribute to raising the level of response from official Palestinian institutions to citizens’ needs, particularly in less developed areas”.

Partnership between local communities and service providers

Local committees led the campaigns in each of the three targeted areas and included representatives from various social sectors including youth, women, social activists and community leaders. The second cycle of advocacy campaigns was launched at the start of December of 2014, and will continue throughout March of this year. The goal, according to project coordinator Abeer Zaghari, is to create partnerships between local communities and services providers. She continued that the campaigns revolved around important and urgent social issues in the targeted areas and shed light on the exclusivity of life in these areas given their close proximity to Israel’s separation wall. As a result, their land is being confiscated and natural resources overtaken by Israeli occupation authorities.

Qalqilya city Campaign: Improving Health Conditions

In Qalqilya city, TAJAAWOB’s local committee raised the slogan of “Improving Health Services” at the Darwish Nazzal Hospital, the only government hospital in the city, which serves at least 50,000. It is running advocacy efforts putting pressure on authorities to provide better health services to the public through establishing an Intensive Care Unit.

The campaign is dedicated to research and collecting data and information in addition to assessing the level of public satisfaction towards health services provided by the governmental hospital. Surveys and interviews will be conducted with hospital patients and visitors to this end, all of which will later be discussed with relevant officials.

Azzoun Campaign: “Azzoun Public Park is here to Stay”

In Azzoun village, the TAJAAWOB committee raised the slogan, “Azzoun Park is here to stay”. This phase and the following one will include an advocacy and lobbying campaign directed at relevant parties to rehabilitate the park and open it to visitors from Azzoun and neighboring towns including Qalqilya city , thus servicing over 70,000 people as a public place.

The Azzoun local community is highlighting the issue of the obstacles they continue to face with the isreali occupation practices, given that Azzoun is surrounded from all sides by settlements and the separation wall. Additionally, Israeli military forces control, Azzoun main entrance via a gate that is often closed without warning. The park’s reopening will economically rejuvenate the town and provide job opportunities for its people in addition to protecting its land from confiscation . TAJAWOOB’s local committee in Azzoun, is conducting a series of contacts, communication and networking with official parties to probe the possibilities of re-opening and rehabilitating the public park in terms of necessary procedures and ways to overcome any challenges.

Hableh campaign: Promoting Citizen’s Security

In Hableh, TAJAAWOB’s committee launched its campaign entitled: “We caught you, Back Away”. The campaign focused on improving security and safety services in the town through advocating on the relevant parties to install cameras in public places to thwart incidents of robbery and vandalism. This is a problem which has been a major concern for Hableh’s citizens. Last year alone, there were 70 such cases, which cause heavy bills to cover the damages.

Since the campaign was launched last December 2014, the local committee with support from MIFTAH, has been in contact with authorities in the Qalqilya governorate and Hableh municipality in this regard. Other sources of support were sought out from community leaders, clergy, townspeople, and social and services prociders in the town. A decision to form local protection committees was also made to spread awareness among youth and to raise awareness among the citizens about the importance of reporting cases of vandalism and vandals.

Advocacy Campaigns Cycle one; Qalqilieh city, Hableh, Azzoun

One of the most significant outcomes of the campaigns, which were launched last July and completed in November 2014, was a commitment by Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Rula Maayah to the Qalqilya local committee to add the Qalqilya National Zoo on the national tourism map. Qalqilya will also be declared the 2016 Palestinian tourist city and included in the ministry’s brochures and website. Currently, official agreements are being drawn up between the tourism ministry, the Qalqilya municipality and TAJAAWOB’s local committee.

In Azzoun, the local committee, which entitled its first campaign “Towards a better violence-free educational enviornment,” was able to develop a mechanism of social accountability to diagnose the reasons for the town’s low academic achievement and the high level of violence among children at schools. The method was praised by various educational institutions in Palestine, namely Al Najah University, which considered it a precedent in models of educational accountability. This was an exceptional achievement given that its developers were Azzoun local community representatives and educational experts. Currently, the local committee is waiting for approval by the Ministry of Education to adopt this model of social accountability.

Hableh’s first Advocacy campaign, “Secure Childhood in Hableh through Rehabilitating the Hableh Park” was capped off with a huge celebration for the town and surrounding areas. Its local committee is now awaiting approval for the allocation of the necessary funds from the Municipalities Development and Loans Fund to support rehabilitating the Hableh park.

All of these campaigns were implemented by MIFTAH as part of its TAJAWOOB project in partnership with AMAN, Ruya and OXFAM , sponsored by the British Council and funded by DFID.

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