Thursday, 19 September. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

As part of the “Budget Monitoring, Tax Justice and Citizen’s Participation”, which MIFTAH implemented in partnership with AMAN coalition, Teacher Creative Center and ARIJ Institute funded by OXFAM, based on the memo of understanding signed between MIFTAH and the Ministry of Social Affairs, including the implementation of a number of joint interventions. The interventions were aimed at promoting a participatory approach and international standards of transparency in formulating financial policies, and at ensuring broad community participation in preparing the general budget. Another goal was to support the ministry in adopting transparency measures pertaining to budgets in addition to promoting the role of citizens and targeted groups to participate in formulating financial and monitoring policies which respond to their basic needs.

The interventions commenced with a three-day training workshop on “Participatory budgets and citizens’ budgets” which targeted the budget team at the Ministry of Social Affairs. Twenty-five employees from various ministry departments participated followed with a series of follow up and actions.

Qualitative interventions

Project coordinator Shadi Zeidat pointed out that joint cooperation with the ministry of social affairs was based on a group of interventions, such as the training workshop about participatory and citizen’s budgets. It was also based on 28 days of coaching / follow-up with a ministry team aimed at achieving a specific group of goals such as ministry employees – namely the budgetary team and the planning and policies committee -- gaining understanding of the conceptual framework for the state’s general budget and being introduced to the concept of participatory budgeting. In addition, interns gained theoretical and practical knowledge of participatory budgeting and the skill of linking and analyzing policies and social plans with the general budget. This provides them with the experience and skills necessary for analyzing the plans, goals and outputs of the Ministry of Social Affairs within its three budget-approved programs.

Practical follow up

In order to guarantee the best results and successful cooperation, the interventions included a follow-up/ coaching period of 28 days by an expert in budget transparency to the ministry’s budget team. This was to ensure the best possible application of the participatory approach through practical applications by the ministry’s teams reflected in their various programs.

Zeidat said the ministry’s efforts to achieve the best possible results and its cooperation played a major role in the success impact of the joint interventions, the most significant of these being the ministry’s approval to prepare and release the citizen’s budget, in addition to its adoption of the participatory approach in preparing their annual budgets in the years to come.

Better ability to carry out tasks

Director of the planning department at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Barakat Samour and one of the people who participated and was engaged in the joint interventions said: “In the past, we did not have enough clarity in regards to some budgetary terms such as: operational and funding costs, or how to build a budget. Now, after this training, things are much clearer and the technical team at the ministry will be much more capable of carrying out the tasks and outposts of each program. The goals will be clearer and the outputs much more accurate.”

Raising the capacities of service providers

Director of the budget department at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Hanadi Barahma, said the training course was an excellent opportunity to raise the capacities of service-provider employees and to increase their knowledge of financial procedures and matters pertaining to the ministry’s budget.

Learning new skills and expertise

Trainer in budget transparency and budget analysis, Muayad Afaneh who was in charge of the training and the follow up period, said the aim of the training workshop was for participants from the budget and planning team at the Ministry of Social Affairs to gain skills and expertise in analyzing the general budget, preparing citizen’s budgets and embracing the approach of participatory budgeting.

Afaneh also explained that MIFTAH targeted and supported the Ministry of Social Affairs through such interventions because “it is one of the line ministries in closest contact with citizens given that it is in charge of financial aid to underprivileged families and the disabled and of various other social cases.” Afaneh also said this will support the public servants to enable citizens to be up to date on the work of the ministry and on the budgets allocated for various programs, which primarily affect citizens and to embrace the methodology of participatory budgeting by the ministry, which brings citizens together with civil society organizations in preparing, following up and assessing budgets.

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