Friday, 20 September. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The implementation of the Israeli Ministry of Interior’s discriminatory residency policy has meant thousands of Palestinians are forced to leave the city of their birth and lose their inherent rights as residents.

A deliberate campaign of “ethnic cleansing” or “silent transfer” has been in effect since 1967 fulfilling Israel’s aim to create a decisive majority of Jews in Jerusalem.

The Inter-Ministerial Committee to Examine the Rate of Development for Jerusalem determined a demographic balance of Jews and Arabs had to be maintained: 73.5% Jews and 26.5% Palestinians.

The Israeli Government’s policy has significantly reduced the number of Palestinian Jerusalemites systematically: 50,000 to 100,000 Palestinians have lost all rights to residency in the last 30 years.

An illegal state of siege has also been imposed on Jerusalem banning Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza from access to the city.

The status of Permanent Resident granted to Palestinians is revoked when a Palestinian moves outside what Israel has illegally designated as the “municipal boundaries” and when a Palestinian receives the status of a permanent resident in a foreign country or becomes a citizen of a foreign country.

To maintain a Permanent Resident status, Palestinians must prove their “center of life” is in Jerusalem. The Ministry demands proof of continuous stay in the city.

Authorities never warned Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem that living outside the city jeopardizes their status in the city or their right of return. The particulars of the policy remain unknown.

Following a petition to the High Court of Justice, the Ministry provided the following numbers of Palestinians whose residency had expired:

1987: 23 1988: 2 1989: 32 1990: 36 1991:20 1992:41 1993: 32 1994: 45 1995: 96 1996: 689 1997: 606 (some 500 files were still under review).

Notification of residency revocation also includes the children of the individual receiving the notice. The Ministry’s figures only relate to those who received the notification of the decision, so the number of Jerusalem Palestinians required to leave the city is many times higher.

Palestinians are not given an appropriate opportunity to appeal the decision of revocation. The Ministry of Interior only grants a formal right to be heard and at no point is the resident allowed to present his argument orally.

In many instances, the Ministry does not even respond to letters appealing the decision. Where a response is sent the appeal is rejected without giving reasons.

Where an appeal is granted, the Ministry prevents residents from reviewing the material on which the decision of revocation is based. Residents are therefore unable to prepare properly for the proceedings.

The standard of proof demanded by the Ministry is very high, requiring confirmations of places of employment, arnona (municipal taxes), electricity, water and telephone bills during the period of marriage, a residential lease and confirmations from the National Insurance Institute on allotments.

These documents must be provided each time the individual submits a request (family unification, replacing lost I.D. cards, change of address).

The Ministry only issues family unification “in exceptional cases, where special circumstances exist”.

Requests for family unification in general are not processed. In 1997, the Ministry had a backlog of 7,470 requests.

During the Ministry’s investigation into family unification, couples from the west Bank and Gaza are not allowed to live together and children to live with their parents. This policy gravely affects family life.

The National Insurance Institute’s implementation of the Governments policy seriously prejudices the residents and denies them basic rights including health insurance.

In April 1995, the Ministry and the NII agreed the NII would forward to the Population Administration investigation findings on those persons who have settled outside Israel. Relying on these findings, the Population Administration would notify the individual that his permanent residency permit has expired and would take necessary measures to delete him from the registry records and would take his I.D. from him.

The NII only makes shallow investigations, which totally disregard the complexity inherent in the definition of an individual’s “center of life”.

Both the policies of the Ministry and the National Insurance Institute discriminate blatantly between Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem and Jews. All Jews, even those who are not Israeli citizens are entitled to move to Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories without the move affecting their status. East Jerusalem Palestinian residents, however, immediately lose their status as residents and all their social rights.

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