9/11: A Year Later
September 11, 2002

A year ago this day, the US was hit by a fanatical and deadly attack, which left the world panicked and terrified, as scores of innocent people were ruthlessly murdered. Was this going to be a rude awakening, the end result of which would see more accountability and respect for international law? Or will 'the war on terrorism' be exploited through self-service, used to generalize nations as evil and any resistance, justified or otherwise, as terror? Unfortunately the 'war on terrorism' seems to have quickly metamorphasized into a war for global domination. The powers of manipulation playing on the 'fear factor' are in complete control, imposing the simplistic politics summarized by saying: "You are either with us or against us."

The Palestinians braced themselves, fearful of the spin doctors and the web they may entangle us with, wondered what was going to happen next? Our trepidation grew out of realizing that Israel maintains very close ties with this current American government. The Nation, an American publication, had recently pointed out that former Israeli lobbyists are forming the American administrations' plans for Middle East: "The magazine listed Vice-President Dick Cheney - the arch-hawk in the US administration - and John Bolton, now under-secretary of state for Arms Control, with Douglas Feith, the third most senior executive at the Pentagon, as members of the advisory board of the pro-Israeli Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (Jinsa) before joining the Bush government. Richard Perle, chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board, is still an adviser on the institute, as is the former CIA director James Woolsey," Fisk reported.

Why were American symbols attacked? It was obviously not a strike against the Western Christian world for American Christian symbols were spared in the Middle East. Was it aiming to kill as many innocent Americans as possible? It seems not to be the case, for apparently the original plan was to hit a nuclear power plant but did not happen for fears that it "might get out of hand." Abu Nimah puts it best when he expresses: "Though we admired many aspects of America's economy and culture, we were frustrated by how such a great and diverse society could produce successive governments with such narrow and unjust policies." Is the attack justified? No way.

This attack has hurt everyone, whether directly, as in all those who lost their lives, or indirectly, as in the case of Palestinians. The increased blind support of Israel since 9-11 hurts the US more than it helps Israel. While waging a "war on terrorism," America has managed to increase the number of enemies and decrease the number of sympathizers. This is all taking place for selfish political gain, mainly seeking reelection and playing on the 'fear factor' to manipulate the American people into empowering the presidency beyond any system of checks and balances. This administration is following a path which will only lead to the escalation of fear, bloodshed and hate, while doing very little to end terrorism.

The root causes have to be addressed. "With greater power comes greater responsibility." When will America assume responsibility as the world superpower? When will America become democratic in its international affairs and policies? The US and Israel can not oppose the International Criminal Court, defy UN resolutions and recommendations and still argue that terrorism is unacceptable. How could the Palestinians, who are enduring terrorism in the form of occupation, empowered and justified by America, maintain their humanity when their fight for freedom and internationally guaranteed rights are branded as terrorism? The daily 9/11s taking place in the form of occupation that has claimed close to 2000 Palestinian lives was not, and continues not to be, even met with an iota of sympathy from American officials. The occupied territories are dangerously talked about as "the so-called occupied territories" by Mr. Rumsfeld. Israel's oppression and victimization of a nation is 'self-defense.' It is the American government who is robbing the kindhearted American people of their humanity, inflaming hatred and racism by supporting such regimes.

For once, the American people were victims and the Palestinians hoped that maybe they can relate with our plight. Sadly, the forces of evil and racism from both sides prevailed. Remaining defensive and never criticizing or even questioning ones methods will cause this war on terrorism to go on forever. It is time to connect, tolerate and educate. This is for the sake of humanity and justice for the entire world. The American people would not stand for the atrocities committed by the US or Israel. The sleeping dog must awake and take charge the way it was once run and was meant to be. The forces of evil are those who are willing to allow more innocent people to die, while they gain wealth, fame and power on the people's behalf.

We call on the world to unite on this sad day, remembering all the victims of terror in every region in the world. We owe it to the innocent victims to join forces against the powers of oppression and discrimination, for only then will we defeat terror. Educating our children teaching them to love thy enemy is the only way to overcome bitter hate. If the people of all races/ethnicities, color, creed and religion stand united, true evil can be, once and for all, put to sleep.
