Poll # 153 The Impacts of Suspending the European and American Financial and Economical Aid on the Palestinian Government
April 20, 2006

Poll No.153
Date: 19 April 2006

Dear Madame, Dear Sir,

I would like at the beginning to welcome you to the results of our study no. (153) and to thank you for your interest in our polling activities, which reflect hopes, fears and concerns of the Palestinian people.

Please feel quite free to contact us immediately if you have any questions or inquiry on any issue of this study.

With our good wishes and best regards,

Dr. Nabil Kukali, Director of PCPO

In a survey prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali about the impacts of suspending the European and American financial and economical aid on the Palestinian government:

  • An overwhelming majority (79.8%) are concerned about the subsistence of their family due to the suspension of the financial and economical aid.
  • A clear majority (59.8%) believe that the suspension of the financial and economical aid will increase the rate of violence in the region.
  • An overwhelming majority (73.9%) call on the US-Americans and the European countries to reconsider their decision halting the financial and economical aid to the Palestinian government.
  • A substantial majority (57.8%) oppose to various degrees the decisions of the EU and the US governments halting the financial and economical aid to the Palestinian government.
  • More than one third (38.2%) call to various degrees for the continuation of the financial and economical aid through the Palestinian cabinet.
  • A plurality (46.7%) call for forming a government of national unity in the light of the Israeli and international escalation by suspending the financial and economical aid.
  • A clear majority (62.5%) believe that the UN-resolution imposing restrictions on dealing with the Palestinian government contradicts the international regulations.
  • A clear majority (58.7%) believe that the Arab countries are incapable of replacing the financial and economical aid suspended by the donor countries.


In the most recent survey prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali, Director of the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO), and conducted during the period from April 14 – 17, 2006, a random sample of (675) Palestinian adults over 18 years old representing the various demographic specimens of the people living in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip, has been interviewed. The most significant result of the survey is that the majority of the Palestinians, specifically (79.8%), (81.2%) in Gaza Strip and (79.0%) in the West Bank, are concerned about the subsistence of their family due to the halt of the financial and economical aid by the European Union and the United States of America to the Palestinian government and the suspension of dues transfer by the Israeli government.

Dr. Kukali said the poll results have pointed out that the restrictions imposed by the UN on its dealing with the Palestinian government contradict the international regulations as believed by (62.5%) of the Palestinian people, (54.3%) are living in the West Bank and (76.7%) in Gaza Strip, and added that this resolution will leave negative effects on the progress of the already stumbling and impeded peace process. "The study findings have shown that the halt of the financial and economical aid provided by the EU and the USA will increase the suffering of the Palestinian people, who already are going through bad economic conditions",

Dr. Kukali said. He pointed out that Israel should abide by the economic agreement concluded with the Palestinian Authority in Paris on taxes, customs and other relevant issues, because starving the ordinary Palestinian citizen will not dissuade him from continuing his struggle. On the contrary, it will increase the rate of violence and the conflict in the region. "The results of the field survey have briefly established that a considerable rate of the respondents, namely (59.8%), (52.0%) are living in the West Bank and (73.1%) in Gaza Strip, believe that the suspension of the financial and economical aid will increase the rate of violence in the region", Dr. Kukali added.

Dr. Kukali laid in his comments stress on the importance of granting the Palestinian Authority, in which the Palestinian government is only a part of its executive apparatus, the chance to show a positive position towards the peace process. Even Mr. Ehud Olmert, leader of Kadima and the acting Israeli Prime Minister, said in a statement published in the "The Wall Street Journal"(online) dated April 12th, 2006 that he is "watching closely to see if Hamas moderates its view toward Israel." And now one automatically asks: How could Hamas be able to moderate its view toward Israel in the shadow of the international and Israeli political, economical, and media siege imposed on it? "Why shouldn't Hamas be given a chance, since it has already given more than a positive hint through its cabinet statement and through the declaration of some of its senior officials expressing its readiness to go ahead with the peace process?", Dr. Kukali said.

Dr. Kukali further commented the results saying that all the Palestinian factions of the whole political and social spectrum should now form a government of a national unity as to encounter the enormous pressure laid on the Palestinian government, because the majority of the Palestinians, namely (46.7%), support that, (64.9%) in Gaza Strip and (36.3%) in the West Bank), as the poll results revealed. "The Palestinian government must reconsider its position towards the Palestinian Liberation Organization in view of the interests of the Palestinian people and should act in accordance with the presidential letter of assignment,"

Dr. Kukali said. He further pointed out that the approval of the letter of assignment and the formation of a government of national unity will embarrass the UN and those countries, which are in alignment with the Israeli policy imposing a financial, moral and political siege on the new promising Palestinian government." Dr. Kukali is of the opinion that the Israeli government, in particular the winner Kadima Party, should perceive that the suffering of the people no way means their defeat. "The opposite is rather the case", he said. "Suffering of the people strengthens their will and determination to struggle as to live in dignity and freedom. Israel should know that the Palestinian people is still under its occupation and Israel will be therefore held responsible for providing humanitarian assistance to these people," Dr. Kukali added. He wondered that the decision-makers in Washington and in the capitals of the European countries are supposed to be aware that the consequences of such policies will only prolong the period of struggle, bloodshed and hardship, will feed the mutual violence and will henceforth lead to further deterioration of security, which will surely be reflected in the Israeli society.

Dr. Kukali emphasized that the suspension of the financial and economical aid to the Palestinian people will extremely increase poverty, hardship and the feeling of being unjustly treated. Kindergartens and schools will shut down, the general hygienic condition will be degenerated due to the lack of medical and health services and the spread of deceases. The educational sector will collapse and the rate of crime will rapidly rise. Milk bottles for children will become a rarity and malnutrition will be a serious problem, particularly among children. The survey has shown that most of the respondents believe that a sharp fall of job opportunities will be the first direct harm of the aid suspension, followed by the family income. Detriment due to the lack of food will be in the third position, and the education sector will be effected in the fourth position. Health would come in the 5th position and raising children would be ranking in the last position,

Dr. Kukali said. He concluded his comments saying that the Palestinian people call on the US and EU to reconsider their decision as to sow seeds of love and hope rather than laying thorns of hostility and hatred, and well-being and good health rather than spread of deceases, and education rather than ignorance, and tolerance rather than hatred, and peace rather than violence.

The Objective of the Study:

The target of this study is to examine the negative effects accruing from the suspension of the financial and economical aid of the United States and the European countries to the Palestinian government and the harms the Palestinian society will sustain on all aspects of life, showing the significance of the aid for the Palestinian people and the necessity of reversing the US- and the EU-decisions. The study casts furthermore light on possible alternatives how to bring the aid directly to the Palestinian people, probes the UN-decision imposing restrictions on dealing with the Palestinian government and makes the attempt to reflect the feelings of the Palestinians towards their future in the shadow of such international measures.

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