Al-Dameer Associations Appeals Prisoners and Detainees to Boycott the Israeli Military Courts and the Human Rights Organizations to Participate in this Campaign
By Al-Dameer
June 12, 2006

Al-Dameer Association for human rights calls the Palestinian detainees and prisoners in Israeli jails to clearly announce their boycott of the Israeli military courts, and appeals to them to the firmness on a unified position by denying the lawfulness of these Courts which miss the minimum conditions of the equitable Courts of Justice

Al-Dameer during her pursuer for the experiment in dealing with Israeli military courts, believes that these Courts are not justice for Palestinian detainees. These courts are subjected to a recommendation of the Israeli intelligence and always ready to pronounce sentences before the court session is held, which means that the presence of a lawyer or his non existence doesn't penetrate deeply.

Al-Dameer while appealing detainees to the boycott of Israeli military courts corroborates on its determination to organize an international, Arabic and local campaign including Palestinian human rights organization and Palestinian lawyers in addition to international organizations. This campaign aims to unmask the Israeli military courts towards the international public opinion. As it will work to acquire an international advisory opinion concerning Palestinian detainees matters resting on the rights of the people which falls down under the occupation to resist in order to recover their rights.

Accordingly, Al-Dameer appeals detainees and prisoners to affirm their approval on the boycott of the Israeli military courts by sending their signatures. As it demands the Palestinian authority to practice all efforts for a serious legal work in order to activate this important file for this time especially.

It also calls the international and Arabic human rights organizations to participate in this campaign in order to advocate the international law and the international human rights law.


AL-Dameer –Gaza

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AL-Dameer Association for Human Rights –Gaza