Settlers are Harvesting and Stealing Palestinian Olives
By Gush Shalom
October 04, 2002

Gush Shalom, the Israeli Peace Bloc: This daylight robbery by the settlers and its toleration - in fact, encouragement - by the authorities, is yet another example in the endless series of provocations perpetrated under the Sharon-Ben Eliezer Government.

From different sources it was reported that over the past two days settlers from the Tapuach settlement in the Nablus region of the West Bank are systematically invading the lands of the nearby Palestinian village of Yassuf and harvesting with impunity the olive trees belonging to Palestinian residents (similar reports have also come the South Hebron Hills at the other end of the West Bank).

Yesterday , a settler shot at an international volunteer who came to investigate. In spite of numerous protests, including by several Israeli parliamentarians, the settlers returned today. The presence of the army and police and representatives of the "District Coordination Office" did little to deter the settlers - who already finished harvesting dozens of the Palestinin trees.

At the request of villagers, who totally depend on the olive harvest for their livelihood, Rabbis for Human Rights and The Committee Against House Demolitions are mobilizing Israeli peace activists to arrive at the spot tomorrow (Thursday, Oct. 3) and help the Palestinians harvest what is left on their trees before the settlers get to it. Activists will meet at 9:30 at the Kufr Kassem gas station.

More information :
Adam Keller, Gush Shlom spokesperson - 03-5565804 / 056-709603
Rabbi Arik Asherman at 050-607034