Argumentum Ad Hominem
October 05, 2002

'Argumentum Ad Hominem' is one of 12 fallacies used to discredit an argument by following reasoning and logical sequence. 'Argumentum Ad Hominem' is the fallacy which discredits the man therefore discrediting the argument and is only one of 12 fallacies used to attack, brainwash, justify and dehumanize a people, in this case the Palestinians. A group of wealthy Israelis (American Jews) have launched a TV ad campaign to burnish Israel's image. The ads will play on 100 top TV channels all through out the United States. These ads emphasize similarities between the US and Israel telling Americans that Israel is like you while the Arabs are not. If similarities between two people are a premise it does not make the argument valid or even true.

These one million dollar TV ads campaign uses key words which seem to ring a bell in American society in order to get peoples attention and plant a fallacy in their minds to further empower Israel and ignore its violations of international norms. The ads speak of Israel's 'democracy', which is a democracy exclusively for Jews and is a contradiction of the term since most Americans are Christians and can not be part of Israel's so called 'democracy.'

The ads talk about a 'representative government' in Israel. 20% of Israeli citizens are Palestinians (Arab Israelis), the Israeli Knesset is comprised of 120 members only 11 of which are Arabs, while two of the eleven members, Bishara and Tibi, have lost their immunity for speaking out against the occupation. 'Freedom of religion press and speech' is another false claim the ads make. They neglect to mention the censorship practiced by the Israeli troops regarding journalists' coverage of the West Bank and Gaza. It is important to note that all newspapers are subject to Israeli censorship whether they are Arabic (Palestinian) or Hebrew newspapers. Lack of freedom of speech is what resulted in immunity of members of Knesset to be lifted, and anyone speaking against Israel is either instigating hate, spreading anti-Semitism or being a self-hating Jew in case of self criticism.

Freedom of religion is a joke, with Churches and Mosques being hit and damaged by the Israeli army, while many are prevented from worshiping at Jerusalem whether it is during the holy month of Ramadan or Easter Sunday. The tag-line brings it all together at the end: 'America and Israel-common values, common vision.' This tag-line is not only invalid and untrue it is not free of many, if not all 12 fallacies of logic. These ads are insulting the Americans' intelligence and attempting to hold them as hostages fearing the unknown.

These ads did not address the real problems facing Israel and the Middle East. As James Zoghbi, president of American-Arab anti Discrimination Committee (ADC) commented: "That is a set of assumptions that play into a kind ethnocentrism and a not so subtle form of racism." Exploiting the fears Americans in order to influence and befriend them is a cheap shot, which can only backfire for the truth will be better known to them someday.

Americans should seek knowledge in regards to the differences for only then will we be able to connect futures and build bridges of tolerance and coexistence. Palestinians do not have the influence and money pro-Israel activists tend to spend on polishing Israel's image, but even if they did the culture would not allow the delivery of such a low blow. "Believe only half of what you see and none of what you hear," the truth will set you free.