Statement by the Presidency of the EU on the Israeli military attacks in Gaza
By The Presidency of the European Union
October 08, 2002

The Presidency of the European Union strongly regrets and condemns this morning’s Israeli military attacks against a Palestinian neighbourhood of Khan Yunis in Southern Gaza killing at least 10 Palestinians, including children, and causing a very large number of injured.

The attacks come at a time where there was hope for a resumption of political talks on implementing the recommendations of the recent Quartet meeting in New York.

There can be no justification for military actions directed indiscriminately against civilian neighbourhoods, whether Palestinian or Israeli.

The EU Presidency expresses its most sincere condolences to the bereaved families and its wishes for the recovery of those injured by the attack.

The EU has consistently condemned the arbitrary use of extra judicial killings, which will not bring security to the Israeli people. Military and violent actions only serve to fuel hatred and undermine attempts by the parties and the international community to bring about reconciliation and hope for a peaceful solution to the conflict. The Presidency urges both sides to do their utmost to bring an end to violence.