57 Palestinians Killed, 121 Injured, Tens of Houses Destroyed and Agricultural Lands Leveled as a Result to IOF Continued Offensive on the Gaza Strip
By Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights
July 11, 2006

The IOF have continued their excessive offensive against Palestinian civilians and property in the Gaza Strip. The total number of deaths since the beginning of the IOF incursion into the Strip has reached 57, while the number of injuries stands at 121, including 31 children. Further, 103 houses have been damaged, 14 of which were totally destroyed. 265 dunums of agricultural lands have been leveled. In addition, 33 patients who underwent medical treatment in Egypt are struck inside the building of Refah Terminal. 5 patients were sent back to Egyptian hospitals due to the deterioration of their health conditions, while an elderly man, Fahmi Dawood, 70, and a 16-year-old child, Mohammed Shorrab died due to the closure of the terminal. Further, 939 evacuated Palestinians are now staying in two UNRWA schools which are being used as shelters while 190 families have approached these schools to receive food supplies, since the IOF have maintained the tight siege on Al Shouka area, in eastern Rafah, cutting all humanitarian supplies from the area.

On July 10 and 9, the IOF opened Nahal Aouz crossing for short times, and allowed the entry of limited amounts of fuel and food. Al Mezan sees that by this action the current crisis will not end but is expected to continue for a long time.

The IOF have continued targeting electricity networks and transformers which have caused people living in multistory buildings to evacuate their homes as there is no electricity to operate elevators and water pumps.

Further, electricity in Rafah has been cut for 3 consecutive days now as the IOF have prohibited personnel of the electricity company from repairing the main electricity transformer, located near Gaza International Airport, which is being occupied as a military surveillance point by the IOF.

The IOF have used excessive and disproportionate force against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. On July 10, at approximately 1:20pm, an Israeli jet fired a rocket at group of youth in eastern Al Faraheen area in Abasan Al Kabeera, eastern Khan Younis. Ra’ed Mosa Abu Salah, 24, and Mohammed khalifa were killed as a result.

Further, at approximately 3:10am, an Israeli helicopter fired a rocket on a car passing Al Tawfiq mosque in Al Shijayia neighborhood, killing Mitwali Al Arqan, 27 and injuring two others.

At approximately 10:00am, an Israeli scouting jet fired a rocket towards a group of civilians in Al Shijayia neighborhood. Two persons were reported injured.

On July 9 at approximately 3:40 pm, an Israeli scouting jet fired a rocket at a car in Rafah killing Bilal Rabba, 18, and injuring two others who were in the car. 8 passersby were also injured:

  1. Mohammed Fo’ad Abu Harb, 28, shrapnel wounds in different parts of the body.
  2. Mohammed Suheil Badawi, 28, shrapnel wounds in the leg.
  3. Rami Sulaiman Rabba’, 22, shrapnel wounds in the left leg.
  4. Abdullah Sulaiman Rabba’, 15, shrapnel wounds in the left leg.
  5. Halil Abd Al Fattah Abu Sneima, 24, shrapnel wounds in the chest and abdomen.
  6. Adeeb Ouda Irmilat, 26, shrapnel wounds in the right leg.
  7. Saleh Omar Al Eid, 30, shrapnel wounds in the right leg.
  8. Mohammed Issam Abu Taha, 14, shrapnel wounds in the right leg.

According to medical reports, three of the injured sustained critical injuries.

Al Mezan condemns the war crimes perpetrated by the IOF, and their policies of collective punishment. Al Mezan emphasizes that the deliberate killing of civilians, shelling of civilians premises, the leveling of agricultural land, the destruction of vital establishments, and the tight closure imposed on the Gaza Strip constitute a grave breach of International Humanitarian law, particularly the 4th Geneva Convention Relative to the protection of Civilian Persons in Times of War, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Political and Civil Rights, an the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Al Mezan calls upon the international community, particularly the high contracting parties of the 4th Geneva Conventions to fulfill their moral and legal obligations under international humanitarian law, provide protection to the Palestinians and lift the siege imposed on the Gaza strip. The Center affirms that the continuation of the silence of the international community encourages the continuation of the IOF aggressive measures.

