The Israeli Occupation Forces Continue their Severe Violations
By AL-Dameer Association
July 18, 2006

AL-Dameer Association for Human Rights renews its condemns to the severe violations committed by the Israeli Occupation Forces against the Palestinian civilians. The Israeli Occupation Forces continue since the past three weeks destruction and killing against the Palestinian civilians by using tanks and plane fighters. Yesterday Friday 15/07/2006, an Israeli Apache chopper fired a missile towards a gathering for the citizens in the middle of Bait Hanon, the shelling caused the death of three persons, they are: Shehada AL Kafarna 22 years old, Abdl Kareem Hamad 20 years old and Moath Hamza.

AL-Dameer has been informed by the citizens of the area that more than 5o Israeli Tanks invaded the area through the memorandum area in North of Bait Hanon, under the cover of planes which caused the injury of four persons amongst them a one year old child.

An F-16 targeted last Friday 14/07/2006 has targeted the Palestinian , which caused a complete destruction to the building and damages to the nearby houses.

AL-Dameer Association looks with concerns to the Israeli escalation which targets the Palestinian infrastructure and the daily killing of civilians. More than 85 Palestinians killed since the beginning of the Israeli operation on 28/06/2006, most of them are children as well as the destruction of more than 700 donoms of plotting fields and separating Gaza Strip by destroying the bridges.

AL-Dameer Association sees that the international community is conducting a mute conspiracy and encourages the Occupation Government to commit more crimes.

AL-Dameer Association demands the international community not to sacrifice the international law for the sake of Israel, and an immediate intervene to offer the Palestinians an international protection as well as the necessity of sending an international investigation committee by the Human Rights Council to investigate the Israeli crimes.