Poll # 157: Cease-Fire Deal between the Palestinians and the Israelis
August 02, 2006

A survey prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali has revealed:

  • An overwhelming majority (76.5%) evaluate the general economic condition in the Palestinian territories as "bad".
  • A clear majority (68.8%) believe that the suspension of the financial and economical aid will increase the rate of violence in the region.
  • A substantial majority (57.7%) Of the Palestinians are at present in favor of a cease-fire between Palestinians and Israelis.
  • An overwhelming majority (70.0%) Support at various degrees the PA- President, Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, and (62.3%) support the Palestinian PM Mr. Ismael Haniyyeh.
  • A clear majority (66.7%) Of the Palestinians believe that the International Observers' Team at Rafah border-crossing are acting according to Israel's wish.
  • A substantial majority (58.2%) Are pessimistic about the possibility of improving their economic conditions at present.
  • A plurality (51.6%) believe that the Arab countries are incapable of replacing the financial and economical aid suspended by the donor countries.
  • An overwhelming majority (81.4%) call on the US-Americans and the European countries to reconsider their decision halting the financial and economical aid to the Palestinian government.

Beit Sahour from the Information Section

In the latest survey prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali, Director of the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion, a random sample consisting of 1.000 Palestinian adults over 18 years old representing the various demographic specimens of the Palestinian society living in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip, has been interviewed during the period (22 – 29) July, 2006. The survey result has shown that an overwhelming majority of the Palestinian people, reaching the rate of (76.5%), evaluated the general economic condition as "bad".

Dr. Kukali said the most significant finding of the survey outcome is that a clear majority of the Palestinians are in favor of concluding a cease-fire deal with the Israelis and that a consensus on the so-called "Prisoners' Document" could be a substantial step towards the commencement of serious peace negotiations with the Israelis. Dr. Kukali further indicated that a high rate of the survey respondents reaching (68.8%) believes that the halt of the financial assistance accelerates the degree of violence in the region. The said rate is allocated as follows: (65.8%) in the West Bank and (74.0%) in Gaza Strip.

In addition, Dr. Kukali said, the view of the Palestinians now towards the possibility of improving their economic conditions is more pessimistic compared with the outcome of a poll conducted in April 2006, when the pessimists were at (43.1%) whilst the optimists reached the rate of (55.6%). On the other hand, the result of this poll shows that the rate of the pessimists rose up to (58.2%) while that of the optimists fell down to (40.3%).

To View the Full Result as PDF (240 KB)
