International Solidarity with the Palestinian People
By The International Solidarity Movement
October 19, 2002

The International Solidarity Movement is a growing movement of Palestinian and international activists working to raise awareness of the Palestinian struggle for freedom and an end to Israeli occupation. We utilize non-violent, direct-action methods of resistance to confront and challenge the illegal Israeli occupation forces and policies.

We recognize the Palestinian right to resist Israeli violence and occupation via armed struggle, yet we believe that nonviolence can be a powerful weapon in fighting oppression and we are committed to the principles of nonviolent resistance.

» We support the Palestinian right to resist the occupation

» We call for an immediate end to the occupation and immediate compliance and implementation of all UN resolutions including the right to return of Palestinian refugees and a Palestinian capital in Jerusalem

» We call for immediate international intervention to protect the Palestinian people and ensure Israel's compliance with international law

Due to the lack of respect for Palestinian human rights and human life by the Israeli government and occupation forces, an international presence is needed to support Palestinian nonviolent resistance. Palestinian activists trying to work or protest alone face harsh punishment from the Israeli forces. This has included beatings, long-term arrests, serious injury and sometimes even death.

In addition to our ongoing actions on the ground in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, to date, we have conducted two, two-week campaigns of nonviolent, direct-action, where international civilians have come to join. The first was in August of 2001. From August 8 – 19, 2001, 50 foreign civilians mainly from the United Kingdom and the United States answered our call to action and took part in witnessing first hand and protesting the brutality of occupation and the injustices perpetrated by the Israeli occupation forces against Palestinian civilians.

These activists then returned to their home countries to spread the word.

Our second campaign took place from December 16 – 31, 2001. This time over 70 international activists joined the Campaign Against Occupation. This campaign focused on key towns and villages in Occupied Palestine in which non-violent resistance is active, and included some solidarity visits to areas that had been recently hard-hit by the Israeli Occupation Army.

The first few days of our campaigns are reserved for orientation and non-violent training. Activists are equipped with practical, logistical and legal information. Also work structures and affinity groups are formed, responsibilities are assigned and strategies and methodology are discussed. With the highly sensitive and volatile nature of the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, it is vital that activists are equipped with the knowledge and mental preparedness to be effective in achieving predetermined goals and aiding in the overall mission of bringing about an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine through the use of nonviolent methods and strategies.

To learn more or to join us on future campaigns, please contact us.