Intimidation of the Civilian Population of Jenin
By Al-Haq
September 22, 2006

Major General Yair Naveh
GOC Central Command
Office of the OC Central Command 64
Military Post 02367, IDF

21 September 2006

Dear Major General Naveh:

Al-Haq would like to draw your attention to the current conduct of Israeli military forces in the West Bank city of Jenin, which is causing unnecessary distress to, and psychological pressure on, the civilian population, in particular to its most vulnerable members.

Al-Haq has collected considerable documentation that shows that from 15 July 2006, Israeli military forces have been raiding Jenin, entering from its southern and northern entrances, and the refugee camp. From 20 to 40 vehicles, belonging to different forces, such as the police, special units and Israeli army storm the streets of the city, in particular in the neighbourhoods of al-Basatien and al-Zahara.

During the raids, which take place nearly on an almost daily basis, usually between 11:00 pm and 5:00 am, the Israeli forces fire heavy weaponry into the air and sound bombs, producing prolonged frightening noise. Through loud speakers, the soldiers insult and curse using obscene expressions. Also, the military forces have been entering houses, seemingly chosen at random and in several cases have destroyed household property.

The systematic nature of these raids and the conduct of the soldiers are keeping the civilian population in a state of fear and anxiety. The civilians are frightened to be in the streets after dark and lock themselves in their homes. Children are the most seriously affected - the loud and prolonged gunfire causes them to scream and lose sleep. They live in constant fear of having soldiers enter their homes.

Al-Haq sees no military necessity or purpose in these actions. They appear to be aimed at frightening and intimidating the inhabitants of Jenin, and constitute a form of collective punishment prohibited under Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Under international humanitarian law, the conduct of military operations must conform to the principle of military necessity and must avoid causing unnecessary suffering to the civilian population. According to Article 27 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, civilians must be treated humanely at all times, a principle which is clearly violated by the current activity in Jenin.

With this in mind, Al-Haq demands:

  • An immediate end to the practices of intimidation and the adoption of appropriate measures to prevent such incidents re-occurring and
  • A thorough investigation into these events and that any person found responsible be held accountable.

Al-Haq would appreciate receiving a written response to this letter and looks forward to being informed of any progress made on this matter.


Shawan Jabarin
General Director