Abbas hints at dissolving government
October 04, 2006

Hours before his scheduled meeting with US Secretary of Sate, Condoleezza Rice, in Ramallah today, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas stated that he is contemplating the dissolution of the current Hamas-led Palestinian government. "My constitutional powers, granted by the basic law, will be used in time," Abbas said in a news conference.

Talks between his opposition Fateh party and the democratically-elected Hamas movement have all but collapsed in recent days, paving the way for a potentially-bloody power struggle in the Palestinians territories. “The dialogue now does not exist,” he said, adding that "…it is very necessary that we increase our efforts to end this crisis, and reach a solution toward forming a new government." Abbas concluded that he hopes "…to reach this end as soon as possible because the people have been suffering for the past seven months and cannot endure further suffering."

Meanwhile, Rice’s expected visit to Ramallah is intended to demonstrate US support for the President, however, the implications of such external pressure on Hamas could backfire and further inflame an already volatile situation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Earlier this week, Palestinian sources announced that a deal brokered by several Arab entities had been reached between Hamas political chief, Khaled Mesh’al, and Abbas during their meeting in Doha, Qatar. The new initiative stipulated the following:

The reformation of a new Palestinian government, to be headed by an independent candidate and to include ministers from Hamas, Fateh, and independents.

A political resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, on the basis of a two-state solution.

A mutual end to conflict and violence between the Palestinian Authority and Israel.

The recognition of the new Palestinian government of the PLO’s agreements and commitments.

The revival of the PLO on the basis of the Cairo Agreement, and the holding of the Palestinian National Council within one year.

The release of Cpl. Gil’ad Shalit from Gaza for the exchange of Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails.