A Legacy of Injustice
By Physicians for Human Rights
November 01, 2002

A Critique of Israeli Approaches to the Right to Health of

Palestinians in the Occupied Territories

Since the 1967 War, Palestinian residents of the Occupied Territories have been subject to a military administration that has severely impacted the course of their lives. The purpose of the present report is to address the question of Israel's responsibility for implementing the right to health in the Occupied Territories following the Oslo Accords. These agreements, signed between Palestinian representatives and the State of Israel, transferred authorities in the field of health to the Palestinian Authority. However, Israel's continued control over basic conditions that are prerequisites for health (water, housing, freedom of movement, etc.) raises the question as to whether the Palestinian Authority is capable of managing an independent health system based on professional considerations. The Oslo Accords did not bring the Israeli occupation to an end and cannot release Israel of its responsibility for the security and welfare of the civilian population in the Occupied Territories.
