Reports From Checkpoints
By MachsomWatch
November 01, 2002

MachsomWatch started its observations in February, 2001 with three women and as of October 2002 numbers 80 volunteers in Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv and the Jezreel Valley area. Members include Jewish and Palestinian Israeli women aged from early twenties to over 70. Observations are conducted twice daily and a report is issued after each shift. When reading them, remember that no Palestinian may enter Israel, nor indeed move freely around the West Bank (and Gaza), without a permit from the Israeli authorities. Presented here in edited form, our reports give a day-by-day account of the checkpoints. Many of them describe a routine that is devoid of drama, and bloodshed, and perhaps all the more for shocking for that. The sights we see, the experiences we undergo, together with Palestinians citizens forced to make their way across these obstacles are those of human heartbreak and the abuse of the most fundamental human rights: the right of freedom of movement, access to medical care, access to education. Full versions of these reports may be obtained from