Gaza Community Mental Health Programme Urgently Calls to Ensure the Security of People and Save Gaza
By Gaza Community Mental Health Programme
December 14, 2006

Gaza Community Mental health Programme strongly condemns the horrible murder committed in Gaza City on Monday morning, 11 December 2006, which killed 3 children, age between 4 – 9, and sons of a Palestinian security officer, and the driver of the car, in which they were traveling to school by unknown gunmen. Other 4 persons were wounded in the incident, including pedestrians.

We express our deep shock of the ugly crime that is committed in cold blood. This incident raises the concerns over the unprecedented deterioration in the state of security chaos and misuse of weapons prevailing in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, especially in the Gaza Strip, in light of the failure of the Palestinian National Authority to take effective measures to protect the lives and property of people.

This latest crime has come in the context of the continuous escalation in the state of security chaos and misuse of weapons in the OPT. Since the beginning of 2006, at least 244 Palestinian, including 31 children, have been killed, and at least 1274 others, including 158 children, have been wounded in incidents related to the state of security chaos and misuse of weapons.

As we reiterate our condemnation for this horrible crime which spread fear and panic in the whole community, we call upon the PNA, represented by the Attorney-General to immediately and effectively investigate this crime and bring its perpetrators to justice.

We believe the PNA, represented by its presidential and governmental bodies, responsible for the deterioration in security. They have to assume their responsibility to protect people and ensure their security and safety, and take effective measures, in accordance with the law to put an end to the state of security chaos and misuse of weapons prevailing in the OPT.

The failure of law enforcement bodies to arrest the perpetrators of such crime, reminds of dozens of crimes and attacks on the rule of law, which have not been appropriately investigated nor have their perpetrators been punished.

We call upon all the political and social forces in the Palestinian community to act responsibly and to save Gaza before it is too late.