Palestinian infighting continues, despite ceasefire
December 18, 2006

Medical sources confirmed this morning that several Palestinian youths have been injured in various internal clashes in the Gaza Strip, despite the declaration late last night of a ceasefire between Palestinian factions, including Hamas and Fateh. Eyewitnesses said that there were armed clashes in Gaza city early Monday, which caused residents to take cover in their homes amid fears that the escalation of violence was resumed only hours after the announcement of the ceasefire.

It was also reported that fist fights and stone throwing broke out between Palestinian school students in the northern Gaza Strip, near Al-Maqousi Towers, which has left 7 students and 1 teacher injured. In eastern Gaza city, another school student, 15 years old, was shot in the neck during armed clashes, but is said to be in stable condition.

On Sunday, 3 people were killed as a result of infighting, including a female university student and a member of President Mahmoud Abbas’ guards, which has particularly added more tension to an already volatile situation following the President’s speech on Saturday, in which he announced the decision to call for early elections; a move which Hamas has criticized as a coup against the Government.

Meanwhile, the deal brokered last night between Palestinian factions stipulated:

1) An immediate ceasefire.

2) Redeployment of armed militias and security personnel from the streets, and back to their positions prior to the clashes.

3) An end to media campaigns by both sides (Fateh and Hamas) against each other.

4) Suspension of street protests and rallies that may provoke direct clashes.

5) The release of all persons kidnapped and arrested by both sides.

6) Appeal to the Fateh-Hamas joint office to meet under the mediation of the PFLP, DFLP, and the Islamic Jihad.

7) Appeal to the higher committee for national dialogue to meet and oversee that the agreement has been honoured.

8) Facilitation of the establishment of an independent commission of investigation to look into the latest clashes, starting with the incident at Rafah crossing a few days ago.

The fragile agreement is intended to ease tensions amid fears that the latest political decisions taken by President Abbas may intensify infighting, however, most observers have been pessimistic concerning the effect of the deal, particularly following last nights and today’s incidents in the Gaza Strip.