Israeli Forces Kill Disabled Man in Gaza
By Palestine Monitor
November 07, 2002

Ismail al Masri, 19, from Khan Younis, was killed when he was shot in the stomach by Israeli forces early this morning while walking at the Sofa crossing between Rafah city and Khan Younis.

Al Masri, who is mentally disabled, often walked in this area and Israeli forces had been warned of this on several occasions by Palestinian authorities. Nevertheless, Israeli forces said that as he was walking in a closed military area they had to shoot him.

According to the General Union of Disabled Palestinians, at least 22 disabled Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army since the beginning of the current Intifada - with 15 other cases still under investigation.

According to the Union, disabled Palestinians have often been exposed and particularly vulnerable to Israeli violations ranging from home demolitions, beatings and killings.

Reports estimate that more than 2500 Palestinians have been permanently disabled due to Israeli military action since September 2000, 500 of whom are children.