Poll # 160: The Present General Conditions Prevailing in the Palestinian Territories
January 22, 2007

Poll no. 160
Date: January. 22, 2007

The most recent poll prepared by. Dr. Nabil Kukali on the present general conditions prevailing in the Palestinian territories has revealed that:

  • (59.4 %) of the Palestinians are at various degrees in favor of holding presidential elections.

  • (60.7%) are in favor of holding new PLC elections.

  • (35.0%) are in favor of Mr. Mahmoud Abbas for the PA presidency,

  • (26 %) would vote for Mr. Ismael Haniyye, and (21.8%) are in favor of Marwan Barghouthi .

  • (80.4%) are worried about their personal security.

  • (77.2%) believe that the halt of the financial assistance accelerates the severity of violence in the region.

Beit Sahour – Information Section:

In the most recent poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali, Director of the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO) and conducted during the period from January 2 – 9, 2007, a random sample of (1015) respondents representing the various demographic specimens of the population in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip over (18) years has been interviewed. The outcome revealed that (80.4 %) are worried about their personal security.

A high rate of the respondents reaching (77.2 %), Dr. Kukali said, believe that the halt of the financial assistance accelerates the rate of violence in the region. The said rate is allocated as follows: (44.9%) in the West Bank and (32.3 %) in Gaza Strip. (76 %) of the Palestinian public, Dr. Kukali added, believe that the security condition at present is worse than it was a year before.

Dr. Kukali pointed furthermore out that (59.4 %) of the Palestinians are, at various degrees, in favor of holding presidential elections at present. (35 %) see Mr. Mahmoud Abbas as their favorite candidate for the PA-president office, followed by Mr. Ismael Haniyyeh with (26.1 %) in the second position and Mr. Marwan Bargouthi with (21.8 %) in the third position.

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