Israel Wants Piece
November 13, 2002

According to Israeli sources, the so called Israeli 'security fence' is expected to be completed by June 2003. This three-part wall will not be built on Israel's de-facto international borders; in fact, it will be erected in the West Bank upon privately owned Palestinian lands. It will annex 10% of the West Bank and will be contrary to both agreements signed by Israel and International law which explicitly prohibits an occupying state from making permanent changes that are not, in the first place, intended to benefit the occupied population.

This apartheid wall will never solve Israel's security problems. It will, in fact, inflame hate and escalate violence as more land is being expropriated and more Palestinians are being oppressed and displaced. It will annex 57 illegal Israeli settlements and 303,000 Israeli settlers. These settlers will continue to illegally live on seized Palestinian land while enjoying benefits not even bestowed on citizens of Israel proper. On the other hand, close to 400,000 Palestinians will be displaced through this annexation to Israel for they will be edging the wall. Needless to say, these Palestinians will not be granted residence status or citizenship from Israel but will be separated from their neighbors, lands, villages and cities by a discriminating concrete wall.

This wall will restrict Palestinian freedom of mobility, Palestinian livelihoods and Palestinian access to land; it will seize and annex some of the most fertile lands in the West Bank as well as water sources vital to the survival of Palestinian villagers and residents of cities edging the wall. This wall will divide communities based on ethnic and religious identity typical of Israel's prejudice when it comes to non-Jewish residents, namely Palestinians in the occupied territories. The wall is designed to further push Palestinians into living in Bantustan-like cantons by further confiscating one piece of land after another and turning the two-state solution into a wishful dream.

Israel does not want peace; Israel wants pieces of Palestinian land. Israel is not even seeking security especially that many Israeli experts predict that the wall will not provide Israel with more security. The wall is simply a tool of oppression, apartheid and occupation. By breaking up neighborhoods and starving families, it will only increase Palestinian determination to resist occupation. When one reaches the very bottom, one can only look upward. The Palestinians have nothing to lose. Empowered by justice and an unbreakable will, they are determined to fight and defend their right to freedom.

The international community needs to intervene and put an end to Palestinian suffering and guarantee them their long forgotten rights. The longer Israel is being overlooked and treated as a state above the law, the worse the situation will get and one day the instability will stretch out of control and directly affect the region if not the entire world.