The Creation of a New Israeli "Berlin" Wall
By The Palestine Monitor
November 09, 2002

The construction of the "separation wall" - or the Israeli "Berlin wall" -- quietly continued apace, with Palestinians facing the prospect of the annexation of their villages and farmland in many areas around the West Bank near the "Green Line". This is combined with the continuing effects of violent Israeli settler attacks on the Palestinian olive harvest, with large-scale thefts of olives and uprooting or burning of trees continuing - despite the presence of international monitors.

Although the curfew in Ramallah has now been lifted for the Ramadan period, the curfew regime continues in most parts of the West Bank - with episodes of violent imposition on the part of the Israeli army. Humanitarian conditions are worsening, with people unable to visit family and friends during the holiday period.

Eleven Palestinians were killed this week, including a disabled man from Khan Younis. Ismail al Masri, 19, was shot in the stomach by Israeli forces during his early morning walk at the Sofa crossing between Rafah city and Khan Younis in Gaza for no reason except that he was walking in an area close to an illegal Israeli settlement.

According to the General Union of Disabled Palestinians, at least 22 disabled Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army since the beginning of the current Intifada - with 15 other cases still under investigation.

Palestinians killed this week: 11

Total number of Palestinians killed since September 2000: 1,999

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