Gaza Fishing: An Industry in Danger
By OCHA Special Focus
April 20, 2007

Key Observations

  • After a near total ban on fishing since June 2006, fishermen have finally been allowed back into coastal waters off the Gaza Strip for the high season.

  • There needs to be an immediate increase in the current fishing range beyond six nautical miles (nm) for fishermen to enjoy the full economic benefits of the high season which began at the start of April.

  • The fishing industry faces long term decline and even possible extinction if the current restrictions are maintained. Annual income has dropped from $10m to less than half of that since the start of the intifada, according to the Palestinian Authority (PA) Department of Fisheries (DoF).

  • No formal communication exists between the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and fishermen over the range to which boats are permitted. This lack of dialogue has led to the deaths, injuries and continuing arrest of fishermen. The restrictions have been imposed by the Israelis on the grounds of security, and particularly in relation to concerns over the smuggling of weapons and other contraband items.

  • Restrictions on fishing rights has led to overfishing in shallow coastal waters and resulted in the depletion of breeding grounds. If the restrictions continue future fishing stocks will be threatened.

  • Fishermen and those who depend on the industry for livelihoods are moving from selfreliance to dependence on food aid and job creation schemes provided by the UN and other humanitarian organisations.

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