Al-Nu’man Petition to be Heard by Jerusalem High Court of Justice
By Al-Haq
May 04, 2007

Dear Friend,

At 9:00 am on Sunday, 13 May 2007, the Jerusalem High Court of Justice will hear the petition brought by Al-Haq, Defence for Children International – Palestine Section and the residents of al-Nu’man village.

It is vital that this hearing be used as an opportunity to monitor the proceedings as well as to demonstrate that the case of al-Numan village is not going unnoticed. Accordingly, we strongly encourage you to attend the hearing, either in your individual capacity or as a representative of your organisation. In this regard, no specific documents are required to attend the hearing, other than an official form of ID such as a passport. Also, although the proceedings will be in Hebrew, it will be possible to provide translation in the room itself on an informal basis.

To briefly summarise the background to the case, Al-Nu’man is a small village situated southeast of Jerusalem and northeast of Bethlehem, a few hundred metres north of Beit Sahour. In 1967, Israel illegally de facto annexed East Jerusalem and surrounding areas, including the land of al-Nu’man village. However, the inhabitants of the village were recorded as West Bank residents and given West Bank IDs rather than the Jerusalem IDs received by most Palestinians in the illegally annexed areas. As West Bank ID holders, these residents are considered by Israel to be illegally residing in Jerusalem simply by being in their homes. A detailed analysis of the issues relating to al-Nu’man village can be accessed at:

In response to the difficulties caused by holding ID cards that, under Israeli law, do not permit them to reside in their own village, as well as Israeli settlement construction and expansion in the area and the construction of the Annexation Wall near the village, Al-Haq, Defence for Children International – Palestine Section and the residents of al-Nu’man village presented a petition to the Israeli High Court of Justice earlier this year requesting:

  1. The dismantling of the Annexation Wall in the area of the village.

  2. Alternatively, that the villagers be given permanent residency status in al-Nu’man, as is their right having been residents of the village before 1967.

  3. That the Israeli authorities facilitate the free movement of the residents, with no hindrance, from and to the village.

  4. That the village be supplied with all municipal and planning services.

  5. An injunction preventing the demolition of any existing building in the village.

This hearing is of great significance to the residents of al-Nu’man, and any support you can offer is most welcome. Aside from actually attending the hearing, it would be greatly appreciated if you could forward this letter to any other parties you think may be interested. Please do not hesitate to contact if you have any questions, comments or require further information pertaining to the case.

The address of the High Court of Justice is:

Sha'arei Mishpat, Number 1
Kiryat Hamemshala

We look forward to seeing you at the hearing.

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