Moving Forward or Backward: Good Palestinian Security Sector Governance or Accelerated Tribalization
May 14, 2007


1. Introduction

The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) and the Palestinian Council on Foreign Relations (PCFR) on 3 May 2007 organised a workshop in Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, to discuss the current state of Palestinian security sector governance in the light of Palestinian public perceptions. Based on the findings of DCAF’s public perception studies in the Palestinian territories, the workshop aimed to give Palestinian civil society, political parties and security officials a platform for discussing the challenges and obstacles to sustainable Palestinian security sector reform. The event was attended by more than 40 representatives of the security forces, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), the judiciary, political factions, local authorities, civil society and the media.

Over the past months, the security situation in the Palestinian territories has continued to deteriorate: Rising crime, clashes between political factions and the spread of weapons have led to increasing insecurity, in particular in the Gaza Strip.

Despite the formation of the Palestinian national unity government in March 2007, the international financial and diplomatic boycott of the PNA government has remained largely in place. The PNA is still struggling to pay the salaries of its employees.

Palestinian official institutions have not recovered from the re-orientation of donor support to ad-hoc mechanisms and have been unable to resume the level of activity prior to the boycott. In parallel to this process of de-institutionalisation, the international boycott, coupled with the Israeli closure regime, has resulted in increasing economic hardship for the Palestinian population. Especially the Gaza Strip is experiencing unseen socioeconomic deprivation and internal disorder. On the political level, the clashes of Winter 2006/2007 paved the way for a factional understanding between Hamas and Fateh, embodied in the Mecca Agreement of February 2007. However, tensions between both movements remain and continue to be fought out in the streets, albeit on a lower level.

Against this background, the DCAF-PCFR workshop meant to provide a forum for Palestinian security stakeholders to discuss the implications of the current political and socioeconomic situation in Gaza for security sector governance and reform.

DCAF and PCFR decided to hold the event in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, an area particularly affected by the deterioration of security. Thereby the workshop aimed to increase the involvement of civil society at the community level and to give the Palestinian public a stronger say in the management and governance of their security sector. The event took place under rather adverse security conditions. This was underlined by a killing which occurred at the same time and in the immediate vicinity of the workshop.

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