Gaza Infighting Resumes Amid Israeli Military Threats
June 11, 2007

The infighting between Hamas and Fateh resumed in the Gaza Strip with a particular vengeance on Sunday, June 10, leaving three people dead, dozens injured and members of both movements abducted by the other side.

In one incident, Hamas activist and local imam, 40-year-old Mohammed Al Rafati was executed in front of Abbas Mosque west of Gaza City after being abducted by unknown gunmen from his home. Al Rafati is married with four children. His brother, Ala’ Al Rafati, dean of the commerce department at the Islamic University was able to escape an abduction and assassination attempt when armed men stormed his home and fired rounds of ammunition at it. Hamas has squarely put the blame on Fateh operatives for the abduction and assassination of Al Rafati.

In an equally disturbing incident, 24-year-old Mohammed Suwayrki, a member of the presidential guard, Force 17, died after falling from the 18th floor of the Ghafari Tower. While Fateh has accused Hamas of pushing Suwayrki off the building, Hamas has denied the charges, saying the Force 17 operative’s death had nothing to do with them.

According to Fateh, Suwayrki had been abducted by Hamas activists that afternoon before being led to the Ghafari Tower and pushed off.

Two other people were killed in the clashes that broke out yesterday. Husam Al Shuwayrki died after being brought to the hospital with a bullet to the head and Izzedin Al Qassam Brigades member Mohammed Al Baba died of wounds sustained in clashes in the Tel Al Sultan neighborhood west of Rafah City.

The infighting erupted in the midst of a heavy presence of armed activists from both Hamas and Fateh. According to media reports and eyewitnesses, several roadblocks had been set up throughout Gaza Strip areas by both PA security forces and the Hamas-backed executive force and gunmen were positioned on rooftops in and around Gaza City.

Accusations of abductions were also made by and against the two sides. A statement released by Fateh accused Hamas of kidnapping four presidential security members at a Hamas-erected checkpoint south of Gaza City. They were later released although the statement said the four had been beaten during their abduction.

A member of the executive force, Ali Dabour, was kidnapped after leaving a mosque in the Deir Al Balah. Hamas accused Fateh-affiliated family Al Buheisi of kidnapping Dabour with the aim of igniting further conflict between the two sides.

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert vowed to continue military operations in Gaza after what it says was a foiled Palestinian attempt to kidnap an Israeli soldier near the Kissofim crossing. Four Palestinians from the Islamic Jihad and Hamas carried out the botched operation. One activist was killed while the other three were able to escape back into Gaza.

Olmert said the operations would continue as long as Palestinian groups continued to fire rockets into Israel and attempted to carry out operations against Israeli targets.