Position Paper Regarding the Tragic Events in the OPT
By Agricultural Development Association
June 18, 2007

PARC is extremely sad and outrageous at the latest deadly violence and bloody clashes between the two Palestinian factions in Gaza; Fatah and Hamas. More than six hundred Palestinians including civilians, mainly women and children, were killed and wounded. And a scene of full-scale chaos and looting the Palestinian institutions and private properties prevails in vigorous violation of the Palestinian moral values and principles which prohibit fighting among the brothers.

In our opinion, what happened in Gaza was a disgusting and appalling crime against the innocent civilians that both factions have to be held responsible for. We strongly condemn the irresponsible behavior of both factions that has placed the Palestinian national project in immense jeopardy.

On top of that, we are over concerned about the coming period especially after Hamas seized control in Gaza and President Mahmoud Abbas announced the state of emergency and the formation of a Palestinian national Authority’s emergency government in a “preemptive” reaction. This may result in having two governments in the already separate parts of the Palestinian territories. This will eventually complete Israel’s process started since Oslo to disintegrate the OPT and create two separate entities. As such, the longed for Palestinian independent state with territorial continuity will turn to an illusion.

We admit that these tragic events are the direct and indirect consequences of the Israeli long- standing policy of siege and closure which led to high rocketing poverty and unemployment rates as well as devastated trading opportunities since Israel has strictly limited Palestinian travel between Gaza and the West Bank in the 1990s. The international community is also blamed for exacerbating the Palestinians’ distress and agony by the imposition of the political sanctions and economic blockade on our people since 2006.

Hamas was outrageous at the behavior of the international community which lifted legitimacy and immunity off the democratically elected government and terminated its four year term of rule. Hamas described this as an offensive coup against its government. This thing stimulated more anger and feeling of retaliation among their brigades turning them to an incendiary bomb which eventually exploded against their own people.

We also admit that the state of disgusting corruption in the Palestinian institutions and the lack of measures to remedy this situation by introducing substantial reforms has also generated tension and hostilities among the various sectors of the people particularly between the elite PNA and factions’ leaderships and the poor. Moreover, the mutual accusation between the two factions of being agents manipulated by foreign policies and interests, and the huge bi-polarization of the Palestinian society has aggravated and complicated the internal arena and as a result Palestinian people lost hope and trust in their political leadership. In brief, external and internal factors have turned the Palestinians to a pressure saucepan.

Undoubtedly, these bloody events will have long term reflection on every aspect of the people's life on one hand, and on the future of the Palestinian cause on the other. For five consecutive days, people in Gaza were confined to their homes. Employees were unable to reach their work places. Vital services and projects provided by international and local organizations were halted because of lack of security and inability to reach their offices as the roads were broken up by militias' barricades and by sporadic shootings. In this regard, we strongly condemn the murdering of two UNRWA's personnel while trying to carry out their job. Consequently, UNRWA halted their relief operations in Gaza. Fortunately, UNRWA decided later on to resume their operations to prevent a humanitarian crisis from happening.

Further on, no one can predict the upcoming situation, and its ramification on the whole Strip and on the future of the secular civil society organizations and political parties. No one can tell what measures and policies will Hamas adopt in Gaza if it remains under its full control. What will happen to the previous achievements in regard to the individual and public freedoms as well as women's rights under the state of emergency and the control of Hamas.

What we can say is that we are over concerned concerning four matters: (1) the intense bi-polarization and militarization of the Palestinian society, (2) the de facto two governments for the Palestinian people under occupation, (3) the prolongation of the state of emergency by PNA in the West Bank and overtaking power by Hamas in Gaza Strip, and (4) a wide-scale humanitarian crisis in Gaza Strip if Israel implements its threats to cut off vital services and supplies such as electricity, oil and water.

Based on our analysis and concerns, we wish to put the following recommendations:

      The resumption of the international aid to the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. And the halt of the imposed unjust blockade.
        These incidents should not deter the international NGOs and solidarity movements from continuing their political and financial support to the Palestinian people through their partners and counterpart Palestinian organizations. This crisis should encourage more and intensive cooperation between the international community and the Palestinian people.
          The Palestinian political parties have to formulate a position that is independent from the two factions and reactivate their role in resolving this crisis. They have to do their utmost effort to regain the trust of the Palestinian street through introducing serious reforms in their parties and exerting pressure on the PNA to remedy the state of corruption. Now, it is time to pronounce a clear cut position supported by practical measures against militarization and polarization. It is time to embark on nation building process of a real secular, democratic and modern state based on civil laws.
            The Palestinian NGOs should also assume their role in fostering sustainable development process, reviewing their policies and agendas, and building more flexible and democratic structures and means that can encourage critical thinking, openness, and transparency. As such, they can maximize their influence among their target communities and grassroots, which they serve on one hand, and build a public opinion supportive of a democratic and secular state on the other hand.
              The international NGOs are requested to consolidate their emergency interventions and projects so as to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people particularly in Gaza. And to increase their financial support to local NGOs to enable them meet the emergency situation resulted from the long-standing Israeli and international siege.
