The Apartheid Wall: Stop Israel's Stranglehold of Palestine
By The Apartheid Wall Campaign (PENGON)
November 21, 2002

Report #1 for the Apartheid Wall Campaign is a general look-an introduction-to the Apartheid Wall itself and the Apartheid Wall Campaign, and includes information on the context in which the Apartheid Wall is taking place, as it is not without precedent that Israel will unilaterally confiscate lands and destroy the lives and livelihoods of Palestinians under the usual pretenses in order to achieve long-standing goals. And, though the Apartheid Wall is an indivisible part of the closure and siege policy of the Occupation, and is a continuation or "advancement" of these policies; it is also unique in that it is a clear, widely-supported (both in its Israeli domestic approval and international complicity) mechanism (a Wall) used by Israel to confiscate and destroy massive amounts of land (some 10% of the West Bank) and devastate the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.