Update on Jayyous Arrests
By International Solidarity Movement
November 17, 2002

Yesterday, the arrestees were taken from the Tsufim military base, to a police station in the Israeli settlement of Ariel. After questioning: Irish citizen, Michael McGrath was put on a plane at 5am this morning. Israeli citizen, Jonathan Pollack was released at approximately 2am this morning. Four males: Cary Gibbons (UK), Thomas Linner (Canada), Reverend Gordon Hutchins (US) and Ole Martin (Sweden) are being held at the Massyahu prison in Ramle. The four women, Esther Serra (Spain), Susan Barney (US), Rodhika Sainath (US) and Charlotte Carson (Ireland) were released at approximately 2am this morning but must appear before a judge tomorrow, Sunday. The status of the eight are "Pending Deportation"

The Israeli government has long been trying to keep the eyes of the wold shut with regards to its grave violations of international law, its blatant human rights abuses and its war crimes. This has been done mainly through strong and well-coordinated propaganda - by labeling the Palestinians "terrorists" and disguising all of its actions as "fighting terrorism". Now that average citizens from all over the world are taking action, are coming to see for themselves what is being done in the name of "Israeli security", the Israeli government is doing whatever it can to keep these people, that could see and dare speak the truth, out.

The accusation against these international activists? - Being in a closed military zone. This "closed military zone" is Palestinian olive groves that the military has closed off so bulldozers can work on uprooting Palestinian farmers' olive trees to make way for an "Apartheid Wall", stealing Palestinian land to cage them in their villages. The internationals were there, using no violence, but rather the power of nonviolence to protect Palestinian villagers from being shot for daring to protest the confiscation and destruction of their land. The farmers of Jayyous just want the world to now that the line about this wall being built to protect Israeli citizens, is a lie. If security and not expansion, really was the case, why is the wall not being built on the Green Line - the internationally recognized border between Israel and the West Bank? Why has the path of the wall been drawn to isolate Palestine's most fertile land from its owners? To deprive the Palestinians of their water wells? To leave farming communities with no land?

3,000 people / 450 families
Area = 13,000 dunams
600 dunams will be destoyed (flattened) to make way for the wall
9,000 dunams of farmland will fall on the other side of the wall, including 7 water wells, and over 200 greenhouses.
The equivalent of pproximately 65,000 workdays per year will be lost to the people of Jayyous as a result of this wall.

We will continue to protest this wall, nonviolently, meaning we will be sitting on the land tomorrow. The media does not take an interest. They tell us to call when there is blood. We just want you to know.

Huwaida:+97267473308, 67581642
