Monthly Report of Israeli Violations of International Law in Jerusalem June 2007
By The Civic Coalition for Defending the Palestinians' Rights in Jerusalem
July 23, 2007


The Israeli occupation authorities continued to commit more war crimes against the occupied Palestinian territories and against the Palestinian citizens. In the Jerusalem District, serious and gross violations of human rights were committed which are incompatible with the provisions of international law and rules of international humanitarian law, and the International Bill of Human Rights. In this report, the National Coalition for the Defense of the Rights of Palestinians in Jerusalem, in cooperation with the Jerusalem Center for Democracy and Human Rights, and the Land Research Center, documented these violations during the month of June 2007. The following is a summary of the report.

Israeli Violation in Jerusalem – June 2007

1.Home Demolitions8
2.Fines, Notifications, Property Take-Over, Property Raids28
3.Property Destruction1
4.Land Confiscation2
5.Apartheid Wall Impact2
6.Checkpoints, Barriers, and Sieges2
7.Property Raids and Shutdowns8

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