Rice arrives in Ramallah
August 02, 2007

On Thursday, US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, arrived in Ramallah for talks with Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, his cabinet and President Mahmoud Abbas.

Ramallah is to be the last stop on her diplomatic tour of the region, which has taken her to Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jerusalem, and is the first time she has visited the Middle East since infighting between Hamas and Fatah broke out in the Gaza Strip. While Hamas have assumed control of Gaza, the US and Israel have firmly stood by Abbas, endorsing his government in the West Bank with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert condemning any dialogue with Hamas if a solution is to be achieved. Israel and the US have therefore taken steps to consolidate Abbas’ position by displaying various so-called gestures of goodwill.

Condoleezza Rice’s visit to the Middle East aims to promote two things; firstly, advertising and encouraging the highly scrutinized Peace Conference proposed by President Bush on July 16; and secondly, to hold further discussions and lay the foundations for Olmert and Abbas to ‘grasp opportunities’ while they are present, reinforce the ‘agreement of principles’ suggested by Israel last week and continue to strive toward a viable two-state solution.

Saeb Erekat, Palestinian chief negotiator, stressed the importance of sidestepping ‘another meeting void of implementing mechanisms’ and information minister, Riyad al-Malki, has indicated how imperative it is to resume ‘final status’ negotiations. However, Olmert and Israeli Foreign Minister, Tzipi Livni, have repeatedly insisted that the construction of this blueprint for ‘final status’ is to be delayed as Israel has its reservations, stating that the essential prerequisites of security have yet to be put into operation.

Riyad al-Malki also wanted the agenda of the meeting to include the role of the US in exerting pressure on Israel, in order to enable the Palestinian government to implement security measures in the West Bank. In addition al-Malki expressed hope that Rice would discuss movements for the US to aid in the emergency economic plan with respect to budgets and resources and to guarantee US assistance in alleviating poverty and unemployment in the area.

In the press conference following the conclusion of the meeting, Abbas welcomed the idea of a peace conference between Arab states to be chaired by the US around late October and mentioned that he would consider the ‘agreement of principles’ presented by Olmert last week, which addresses the current obstacles ostensibly facing both parties. In the proposal, Olmert offers a number of possible steps, regarding issues such as Jerusalem and borders that Israel would be willing to implement to ensure the establishment of a co-existing two-state solution.

Although not concretely ‘implementing mechanisms’, Abbas announced that "what is important is that we arrive at a result and that we know what that result is, what is the roof that we need to reach and what are the stages of implementation that we can agree on."

Another result of the meeting was Condoleezza Rice verifying and signing the framework for the first $10 million installment of the $80 million promised by the US to Prime Minister Salam Fayyad so he can establish a more efficient security service in the West Bank.

Olmert and Abbas are to meet again next week. Rice insists it is essential that ‘there should be a deepening of the dialogue between the Palestinians and the Israelis on all of the issues that will lead ultimately to the founding of a Palestinian state.’

Meanwhile, Hamas spokespeople have opposed the US meeting with Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Senior Hamas spokesperson, Sami Abu Zuhri, stated that the US is not making considerations for the Palestinian state but is instead choosing one side over the other and supporting the ‘Zionist occupation’. Ahmed Yusef, adviser to deposed Hamas Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyeh, maintained that the actions of President Abbas and his government are illegitimate and go well beyond his mandate. Yusef also said he believed the US should at least talk to the ‘alternative Palestinian channel’ indicating that nothing can progress on the political front without them.
