Action Alert - Please Contact FDR High
By Amal
November 21, 2002

I am very saddened to relay this information to all of you my dear friends and fellow activists.

On Tuesday November 19th 2002 my sisters friend went to her highschool wearing a FREE PALESTINE t-shirt, along with a scarf that has the Palestinian flag on the ends. Meanwhile someone has been posting 'ant-zionism' stickers all over the school. This apparently has been going on for a while. So when this young palestinian student came to school wearing what she was wearing, the security guard decided to bring her into the deans office. Hand-cuff her. Search her. Remove her shoes. Humiliate her.

The security guard continued by saying that any flags to be worn to the school should only be American flags. I am also embarrassed to say this is my Alumni Highschool.

Below is the information of the school. Although an email is posted, I think faxing will have more of an impact. I believe their email is not regularly checked.

I am urging all of you to write up a letter to Principal A. Vocel expressing your outrage on what they did to a 16 year old! She could've been your sister, cousin, friend. Don't allow this injustice to pass without letting them know she has supporters. As a matter of fact, call, fax and email. Hey why not? They didn't think twice about harassing the young girl. What would make me personally happy? If this so called security guard get fired, but we'll see.

I have chosen not to put her name in this email, you may address her as the young palestinian girl, for her privacy I think its better this way.




Franklin D. Roosevelt High School, District 73
Principal A. Vocel
5800 20th Avenue, Brooklyn, 11204
phone (718) 256-1346 | fax (718) 232-9513

Mr. Charles Majors, Superintenent
Phone: (718)758.7600