Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
By Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
November 29, 2002

Israeli occupying forces have perpetrated more human rights violations against Palestinian civilians, including willful killings, shelling of, and incursion into Palestinian areas and agricultural land leveling. This week, 21-27 November 2002, 7 civilians -- 6 Palestinians and an UNRWA official -- and a security man were killed by Israeli forces. This number does not include Palestinians who were killed in military attacks.

On Friday, 22 November 2002, Israeli forces, reinforced with dozens of heavy military vehicles, invaded Bethlehem and surrounding towns, villages and refugee camp. They seized complete control over these areas and imposed a curfew. Israeli forces waged a campaign of arrests against Palestinian civilians. About 50 Palestinians have been arrested by Israeli forces since the beginning of this new offensive. Israeli forces also took retaliatory steps against families of wanted Palestinians. The Israeli invasion came shortly before the beginning of preparations for Christmas.