Times are Hard
December 01, 2002

With the Holiday season right around the corner, one should not be deceived into thinking there is anything holy about this season. Ramadan is nearing the end, a month of fasting is almost over and the start of the three day 'Eid Al Fitr' celebrations is due to come on Wednesday. The Advent period, the countdown to Jesus' Birth, Christmas, has also started. Even Hanukah is soon to come assuring that all monotheistic religions are due to intersect this season. This multi religion holiday spell gives the impression of tolerance, diversity, freedom of worship and understanding, yet the truth and the facts paint an ugly picture, one far removed from the holiday spirit.

Most of the West Bank remains under curfew. Families have been locked into their homes as Israeli armed forces continue to collectively punish an entire nation. Palestinian Muslims continue to fast even while their food stock decreases, as they anxiously wait for a lifting of the curfew in order to get the necessary supplies. It is the end of the month, a great time for those who do have a job to buy presents for the Eid, but since most banks have not been functioning under curfew, salaries will be delayed, sadly, the Eid can not wait.

The Israeli forces contaminated Manger Square with war vehicles parked right outside the holiest Church, the birthplace of the baby Jesus, and they have declared Bethlehem city a closed military zone. Israeli tanks and troops prevented even the local Palestinian Christian community to hold Sunday services during the period of Advent. Bethlehem will remain a closed military zone until the end of the year at least, which means that Sharon has done away with Christmas for the Palestinians.

How will Hanukah celebrations be affected? As of now there are no physical barriers visible and it is very much likely to remain this way, since Israel dictates what religion to discriminate against and how to collectively punish and push a people to the very edge.

Celebrations would not take place, even if allowed, at this point in time as Palestinian Christians and Muslims are far more concerned with finding food for their families, surviving and resisting military occupation. Yet, Palestinians remain thankful for what little they have and look forward towards a more hopeful and joyful season in Palestine, free of all discrimination and supremacy imposed by the exclusively Jewish military state.

Occupation is evil and continues to be the root cause of instability and death in the region. Having taken over the lands, the homes, the streets, the trees, the water sources and the religious shrines, nothing will stop occupation from taking away the Eid along with Christmas. Sadly, it is just another day under occupation for the Palestinians.
