Abed Rabbo: Demolishing Hebron Homes is Tantamount to Ethnic Cleansing
By Palestine Media Center
December 03, 2002

In response to Israeli plans to demolish homes of Palestinians in the West Bank City of Hebron, Palestine National authority (PNA) minister of Culture and Information, Yasser Abed Rabbo, issued the following condemnatory statement.

“Sharon’s decision to demolish at least 15 homes and an olive grove in Hebron to make way for a settlers-only road is tantamount to ethnic cleansing exercised by a racist, terrorist system unique in its crimes and methods.” Abed Rabbo stressed.

The minister also said Israel’s decision should be met with vehement denunciation and international intervention “as [the [plan] provides evidence to the true intentions and goals of Sharon’s expansionist, racist plans”, which deem the demolition of homes, lands and farms of Palestinians permissible, so long as they serve Jewish settlement plans.

Abed Rabbo further urged the international community, and most notably the UN Security council, to intervene immediately “to stop this racist plan”, especially since “international and American silence to this plan, which serves settlers and the expansion of their illegal outposts, is tantamount to providing a cover to the most heinous methods of ethnic cleansing, excercised by the Israeli government against our people.”
