Israeli Soldiers Murder 95-Year-Old Woman; Oldest Known Victim of the Intifada
By The Palestine Monitor
December 04, 2002

Israeli soldiers shot to death a 95-year-old Palestinian woman in an attack on a minibus near Ramallah earlier today, making her oldest known victim of the current Intifada.

Fatima Mohammad Hassan Abeid, from Attara village, was traveling to Ramallah to buy gifts for her 19 grandchildren ahead of the Eid holiday marking the end of the Ramadan holy month.

Because Israeli forces had closed Surda, the main entry point to Ramallah from her village, Fatima was forced to take a detour through the Jawwal crossing in order to reach the city.

According to eyewitnesses, Israeli forces stationed at the Jawwal crossing violently attacked the minibus she was traveling in, smashing the windshield with the butts of their guns. They then shot randomly at the vehicle, with the full knowledge that the van was packed with civilians. Fatima was shot in the back by one or two live bullets at close range.

Another passenger, Kifaya Rafat, 41, was shot in the thigh and is now in the hospital. Another unidentified woman was slightly injured in the attack.

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