Objecting against the Demolishing of Houses in the Old City of Hebron by the Israeli Government
December 04, 2002

The Israeli Government is highly determined in its decision on demolishing a group of houses in the Old City of Hebron - the city of our father Abraham - the symbol of love and brotherly peace.

This action does not only affect the cultural heritage of all human beings, but is a barrier to the peace process, as well as a suffering and sadness to the residents of the Old City in Hebron resulting in deep hatred between the two nations, a matter very much feared by us.

The Israelis claim that the demolishing of houses may bring 'security' to the settlers is a false one. Demolishing parts of the Old City of Hebron in order to secure a group of settlers will only demolish what is left of the bridge of peace and understanding and will only result in deepening the gap between those who love peace in both nations, knowing that the act of settlement is illegal as stated by all international laws.

Therefore we appeal to the Israeli Government to give up its plans on demolishing parts of the Old City of Hebron and we ask concerned authorities to halt the Israeli decision on the demolishment of these houses immediately.

The Protection of Cultural Heritage in Palestine Committee
The Support and Protection of the People and Heritage of Hebron

For a list of the houses under threat of being demolished, please click here.
