Results of an Opinion Poll on the Annapolis International Meeting
By Arab World for Research and Development
November 26, 2007

Annapolis International Meeting
Negotiations and Final Settlement
Evaluation of Institutions and Leaders
Elections and Political Support
District-Related Issues

Publication Date: Sunday, 25 November 2007
Field work: 18-19 November 2007
Sample Size: 3200 Palestinians in The West Bank & Gaza
Margin of error: + 2

Main Results

  • 63% support (or support to an extent) the convening of the Annapolis meeting
  • 45% believe that the Annapolis meeting will not result in any tangible/positive results for the Palestinians
  • 40% believe that nothing will change as a result of Annapolis, and 15% believe that it will reinforce the occupation
  • 55% believe that if the meeting fails, the situation will further deteriorate
  • 67% believe that the living conditions for the Palestinians deteriorated since the eruption of Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2000
  • 95% say that the Jerusalem issue is very important, and 93% say that the prisoners issue is very important
  • 72% support a final settlement of the conflict based on a two-state solution living side by side
  • 60% oppose that Arab countries recognize Israel even if a Palestinian state were established
  • 49% believe that Palestinian internal conflicts do not allow for a strong position in the negotiations
  • 36% support the Arab Initiative as a framework for the negotiations, while 24% support related UN resolutions and 23% support the Road Map
  • 48% evaluate the performance of Hanneyeh‘s cabinet as weak, compared with 26% feeling the same way about Fayyad‘s cabinet
  • 36% blame Hamas for the latest Gaza clashes, and 7% blame Fateh
  • 46% of Gazans blame Hamas for the clashes, while 9% blame Fateh
  • If elections took place today, Fateh would receive 36% of the vote, compared with 14% for Hamas Fateh receives 43% of the Gaza vote, while Hamas receives 18%
  • Abbas, Marwan Bargouthi, Fayyad or Mustafa Bargouthi are all capable of wining a presidential election over Hanneyeh
  • Marwan Bargouthi would receive the highest vote (51%) against Hanneyeh (18%)
  • The least favorite among all Fateh and Hamas candidates is Az-Zahar, who receives less than 1% of the vote
  • In a two-way race between Dahalan and Zahhar in Gaza, Dahalan receives 41% of the vote, while Zahhar receives 20%
  • Governors of Qalqilya, Nablus and Salfit get the best evaluations, whereas Governors of Jabalya, Rafah, and Gaza were on the bottom list.
  • PLC members representing Qalqilya, Jericho and Salfit get the highest evaluations, whereas the representatives of Jabalya, Deir Balah and Khan Yunis governorates get the least favorable evaluations.
  • Security is the most important priority for Nablus, Tulkarem and Gaza governorates.
  • Hamas is least supported (less than 9%) in Nablus, Jerusalem, Tubas, Salfit, and Jenin, while it is more supported (25%) in Gaza. In Jabalya and Khan Yunis; Fateh gets the highest support (more than 48%), and the lowest in Jerusalem (22%).

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