Preserve the Historical Heritage in Hebron
By Palestinian NGO Network
December 12, 2002

On November 29,2002, the Israeli, military commander in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Moshe Keflinsky issued a military order by which a number of historical ancient buildings in the old city of Hebron are to be demolished and erased from the surface of the ground. Such measure is taken for the sake of constructing a "security" by-pass road between the Kiryat Arba' settlement and the Ibrahimi mosque. Kiryat Araba' is a settlement that has been built on Palestinian lands in the heart of the Palestinian town of Hebron. It is a settlement where few hundreds radical settlers illegitimately live. According to this military order, 22 buildings which are part of the City's history will be destroyed, eight of which are being owned by Palestinian families since centuries. The implementation of such an order means the deportation of 110 Palestinian individuals who will be left homeless without any shelter. It also implies that the Israeli occupation authorities are playing in the hands of the most well-known radical settlers, who constantly were aiming at expelling the Palestinians from their homeland.

In the light of the above-mentioned context, the PNGO Network appeals to all international organizations, to all diplomatic missions, and to all solidarity groups and supporters of human rights, to intervene to stop this barbaric act by the Israeli occupation authorities.

We call upon all parties, signatories of the Venice declaration on the preservation of historical sights to intervene immediately to prevent the Israeli intentions to destroy Palestinian heritage.

We believe that the international community has the responsibility and commitment to act immediately and prevent these bold unjust practices against the Palestinian people.