Impeding Medical Treatment and Firing at Ambulances by IDF Soldiers in the Occupied Territories
By B'Tselem
March 31, 2002

In the first two weeks of March 2002, the IDF conducted a wide-scale action throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip, including entry of infantry and tanks into refugee camps. During this period, the IDF Spokesperson has frequently stated, as he has done since the al-Aqsa intifada began in September 2000, that the IDF does not injure innocent civilians and that it properly treats all humanitarian cases. For example, the IDF Spokesperson stated that, "Alongside the fighting, the soldiers are making every effort to avoid harming unarmed civilians, and avoiding as much damage as possible to their areas. The IDF provides humanitarian aid when needed and the forces have even been instructed to repair some of the damage the fighting has caused." On 11 March 2002, the IDF Spokespersons stated that, 'The IDF Spokesperson stresses that the IDF has no intention of harming the Palestinian population that is not involved in terrorist activities, and that the IDF will enable passage for humanitarian purposes."

However, testimonies given to B'Tselem and information from other sources clearly indicate that these statements are baseless, and that the injury to the civilian population during these actions was unprecedented since the occupation of the Occupied Territories, in 1967. The IDF has fired at innocent civilians, including many children, caused extensive damage to private property, and more.

This report focusses on one aspect of the injury to the civilian population - prevention of medical treatment of the wounded and attacks on medical teams. For a period of two weeks, from 28 February - 13 March, IDF gunfire killed five Palestinian medical personnel who were on duty, wounded ten Red Crescent personnel, and damaged twelve ambulances, two of them totally.