The Case of The Killing of Umran Abu Hamdieh
By Al-Haq
January 26, 2003

This is an update on the ongoing investigation into the death of Umran Abu Hamdieh. For more details we refer to the Press Release # 137.

The Israeli Authorities will today at 20:00 exhume the body of Umran Abu Hamdieh in order to perform an autopsy. Representatives from the family of Umran Abu Hamdieh and also representatives from Al Haq and B'tselem will be present.

Doctor Jorgen Thomsen from the Danish Forensic Institute and Doctor Nikolas P.Lemos, Head Forensic and Toxicology Service of St George's Hospital Medical School in London will be present as a representaives on behalf of the family of Abu Hamdieh. Dr Jorgen Thomsen will also participate in the autopsy on Monday the 27th of January.