Urgent Appeal: Contingency action
By Grassroots International Protection for the Palestinian People, GIPP
February 03, 2003

The planned American led war on Iraq, is paving the road for Israel to seize the opportunity to inflict its worst, yet most comprehensive collective terror on the Palestinian people, in the West bank & Gaza. Therefore, we, the Grassroots International Protection for the Palestinian People, GIPP, call upon the world community, human & civil rights organizations, and all those people & institutions who oppose war and destruction, to come to the occupied Palestinian lands for the Protection of the Palestinian people, especially, after the USA torpedoed & vetoed all UN Security Council resolutions to send an International protection force to protect the 3.6 million Palestinians on the West bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza strip from the Israeli terror which has been going on for the past 2 ˝ years.

Our appeal stems from repeated statements and comments by Israeli officials and their supporters (Ministers, MKs, strategic planners, and political & news cast commentators) calling for “seizing the world’s full attention on Iraq in order to carry out Israel’s massive and decisive victory over the Palestinians” and sending a chilling reminder of the 1948 war in Palestine with all its tragic consequences.

While we sincerely hope that the world community, with UN support, will be able to avert the war on Iraq, we cannot bank on these efforts in view of the US continued warmongering declarations/ preparations, and the Israeli jubilation & preparation for such a war. Therefore, a massive International Protection force composed of Volunteers is much needed to come to Palestine as soon as they can, in order to take part in the defense of the unarmed Palestinian civilians facing the Israeli, most likely, intensified terror and war crimes.

Be part of history; Oppose war & crimes against humanity in Palestine

Check out the GIPP web site (www.pngo.net) for more information.
Contact: Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO): PO Box 2322, Ramallah, Palestine,
Tel: +972 2 2963847, mobile: +972 50 557385 Fax: +972 2 2963848, E-mail: pngonet@p-ol.com.
