Israeli military setting up system of "creeping curfew"
By The Palestine Monitor
March 22, 2003

Israel seems to be using a system of "creeping curfew" to escalate its control over Palestinians in the West Bank without drawing the attention of the international media and community, civil society organizations based in the West Bank and Gaza Strip said today.

Today marks the fifth day of 24-hour curfew in Hebron; the fourth day of curfew in Yabad, near Jenin; and the third day of curfew in Qalqilya. Fears are that the curfews will gradually expand to cover the entire West Bank, while international attention is diverted to the US war against Iraq.

Furthermore, repressive Israeli operations are continuing in Nablus, including Balata refugee camp, without much attention from the international media. According to sources, twenty Palestinians have been arbitrarily arrested in the area in the last few hours.