Oblique Strategies
April 03, 2003

The guessing continues, the bookies are getting excited and the rivaling teams are trying to grab the most valuable players. Not too long ago Powell was on a losing streak, having been dominated by the hawks, but his team has managed to recruit two vital players, Blair and Straw, and it appears for now a level playing field has been created. The game is simply whether to publish the road map and follow it through or to continue amending, stalling and undermining it. The question on everyone’s mind is which team will manage to recruit Bush himself. Perhaps we should look at the advantages of each team in determining which one has more bargaining power to entice Mr. Bush.

Considering the Blair-Powell team first, one can quickly note that America’s list of allies is growing thin and its need for British backing has never been more crucial. Blair staked his political career on uniting himself with the American government’s quest to ‘liberate’ Iraq! While no one is counting, it seems Bush owes Blair one, after all 43,000 British troops is more than merely a friendly gesture. The war on Iraq has debilitated the UN and divided the EU, pressing ahead with the road map would restore some of the UN’s credibility and give the EU, which they could all support. Moreover, if calming Arab anger and salvaging the widening schism between the Muslim world and the West is worth anything, then this is the team to join. Finally, if an end to the Palestinian – Israeli conflict is achieved, then both Bush and Blair can give themselves a pat on the back and vindicate themselves as true liberators, a prestigious footnote in history.

But what of the other team, well, US victory is guaranteed, the length of the war on Iraq is non sequitur. The American government has a short term memory, promises made are forgotten and if the outcome is in accordance with the Pentagon’s plans, then Blair’s support will be delegated to a moral obligation for which reimbursement is not required. Powell can always resume his position as the facade of reason in American policies, while insanity ensues.

As Rumsfeld, Rice and Cheney, along with the other hawks, threaten Syria and Iran with “grave consequences,” echoing the language used against Iraq in the early months to the path of war, Israel’s strategic value in reshaping the Middle East will gain unprecedented prominence and it would be ill advised to upset such an ally. Moreover, Bush will be reminded of AIPAC’s power, and of the political suicide his career would suffer should he undermine Israel’s ‘security’ by forcing the road map on Ariel Sharon. Finally, if all else fails, Bush can always be persuaded that his born again Christian beliefs require him to blindly support Israel.

The teams will duke it out and political war will be waged. Thankfully for both teams the casualties will not be suffered by them, but, rather, Palestinians will incur the losses as they continue to count the years they have been denied their freedom.
