MIFTAH condemns Israel's shooting of British peace activists
April 12, 2003

The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) strongly condemns Israel’s shooting of and critically wounding British peace activist Thomas Hundall in the southern part of the Gaza Strip on Friday.

Thomas Hundell, a 22-year old British citizen, was attempting to prevent a group of Israeli soldiers from shooting Palestinian women and children by standing as a human shield and transporting the children to a safer area. Hundall was shot in the head by an Israeli sniper and was declared brain-dead upon his arrival at Rafah hospital in Gaza.

Like many foreign peace activists in the West Bank and Gaza, who have exhibited an unwavering commitment to uphold the rights of the Palestinian people over the past two years, Hundell had placed his own life in danger in a most powerful expression of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Thomas Hundall is the forth international peace activist to be wounded or killed by Israeli troops throughout the West Bank and Gaza in the past month. Less than a month ago, Rachel Corrie, a US peace activist, was run over by an Israeli army bulldozer and killed after suffering from a fractured skull and broken chest. All four of the wounded internationals were targeted with the intent to kill by trigger-happy Israeli soldiers. Unfortunately, the killers are not being held accountable and Israel is given a green-light to shoot and kill British and American activists without facing justice.

The Israeli government must be held accountable for its shooting of 22-year-old Hundell, and for the killing of all innocent civilians, Palestinians and non-Palestinians. The Israeli military institution must not be allowed to behave as an entity above the law, and must be held responsible for its illegal actions in the Palestinian territories.

MIFTAH urges the international community to clearly condemn Israel’s killing of innocent lives, and calls upon the representatives of the international community in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories to take immediate action in collectively voicing their protest against Israel’s brutal military measures in the Palestinian territories. We call upon the American and British governments to condemn these killings and honor their brave and young heroes who are standing with humanity, despite harsh militaristic targeting and pressure from their governments, in order to defend the defenseless Palestinians living under Israeli occupation.
