Was Baghdad Handed Over?
By Media Review Network (MRN)
April 17, 2003

The Media Review Network as a result of its extensive monitoring of the Arab media has the following vital information to share with you.

Like many, the Arab world has also been astounded by the swift arrival of American troops in Baghdad given that for close onto twenty days the invading forces met with stiff resistance. The result of probes and investigations have brought to the surface a strong likelihood that a secret deal was struck, which would explain the sudden collapse of Baghdad and the Iraqi regime.

The Arabic term which is now being used extensively to explain this sudden melting away of the Republican Guards is “safqa” which means “a secret deal”. Arabic media are speculating that “safqa” was arranged between the United States and the Baath regime to hand over Baghdad.

Earlier information gleaned from Russian sources also raise the probability of such a deal which would account for the relative ease whereby US troops secured and fortified key installations in Baghdad.

Although no substantive evidence has surfaced yet and the fact that the Pentagon has refused to be drawn into commenting, three clear outcomes of a “safqa” are visible. First, the lives of many American and British forces as well as most senior Baath officials were spared. Second, Baghdad itself which was fortified in a series of defensive rings failed to provide any opposition. And thirdly, the invasion was shortened dramatically, contrary to the expectations of military experts.

The above clues suggest that the fall of Baghdad was premeditated. Comparably, Basra which was nowhere near as heavily fortified as Baghdad, sustained almost three weeks of fierce resistance. While the Middle East is abuzz with routine talk of a “safqa”, questions are also being raised about the role of the Saudi kingdom.

Arab media are following up clues that Saddam Hussein may have been provided refuge in Mecca. If it is confirmed, it would be one further clue that the architect of the “safqa” between Bush and Hussein was Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah – a trusted intermediary of the Bush family and the only Arab leader invited to Bush’s Crawford Ranch.

For the Saudis as well as many other Arab leaders, who are viewed as favoured dictators by America, it was expected that the security of their thrones would be threatened by a protracted war.

Unfortunately for them and their western patrons the “liberation” of Iraq by the US is now being refashioned in a new struggle: - the liberation of Iraq from foreign occupation.
