Quartet Delegation Issues Road Map: Affirms Obligations are Simultaneous
April 30, 2003

A delegation representing the Quartet (UN, EU, US and Russia) today delivered to the Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas the Road Map to a Permanent Two-State Solution. The delegation affirmed that implementation of Road Map obligations will be simultaneous and not sequential or conditional.

“The Quartet delegation made clear that Israel would not be allowed to avoid its Road Map obligations through the unilateral imposition of arbitrary conditions and unreasonable sequencing,” said new Palestinian Authority Minister of Negotiations, Saeb Erekat, who also attended the meeting.

The Quartet delegation also confirmed that an American delegation headed by Ambassador Bill Burns will visit the region next week and will meet with the Palestinians to discuss the implementation of the Road Map, with special emphasis being given to a Quartet international monitoring mechanism.

The PA Prime Minister welcomed the issuance of the Road Map and reaffirmed Palestinian commitment to their Road Map obligations. He also emphasized the importance of having an effective international monitoring mechanism in order to avoid mistakes of past initiatives.

The Quartet delegation was comprised of Mr. Terje Roed Larsen (The UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process), Mr. Miguel Moratinos (EU Special Envoy to for Middle East Peace Process), Mr. Jeff Feltman (Acting US Consul General in Jerusalem) and Mr. Andre Vdovin (Russian Special Envoy for Middle East Peace Process). The Palestinian officials receiving a copy of the Road Map were PA Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, Yasser Abed Rabbo (Minister of Cabinet Affairs), Dr. Nabil Shaath (Minister of External Affairs) and Dr. Saeb Erekat (Minister of Negotiation Affairs).
