The Ugly Arab In Israeli Narration
By Youmna Al-Eid
May 20, 2003

In his story The Country of the Jackals the Israeli writer, Amos Auz, wrote:

... Our world is still formed of circles within circles. The outer circle is the circle of darkness, and it is far from here, there are mountains and wide deserts (...) The inner circle is the circle of lights, which protects us and our homes from cabals of commutations. But it is a weak wall, which cannot repel the smells and sounds of hate at nighttime. All of these smells and sounds attack our bodies night and day as if they were nails and teeth.

The world of the interlocutor in this story is the world of Israel, which lies in the inner circle, the circle of lights, but it is still a circle within outer circles, or larger circles, Arab, which is the circle of darkness; so the wall of lights, as per the story, is still fragile.

The gist of the story calls for strengthening the fragile wall. And as the surrounding outer circle is the circle of darkness, and its inhabitants are disturbing with their sounds and smells; so the strengthening of the fragile wall, is only possible by getting rid of them and the extension of the lights of the inner circle, in its civilized equivalence, to this outer circle.

This is the logic governing this story as well as tens of other stories and novels, even hundreds of similar Hebrew stories, which were published in the early days of the Arab / Zionist conflict (in the thirties of the 20th century.)

The wars waged by Israelis against Arabs, before and after they became a state, are nothing but trials to expend the circles of light and to protect its wall. They are wars repeated since 1948, targeted against Palestinian Arabs, Sinai 1956, the West Bank and Gaza, Egypt and Syria 1967, and Lebanon 1982.

Tens of Israeli story tellers employed their pens to destroy the Palestinian circle to be followed by other Arab circles, by means of defaming the Arab image to justify waging wars against them and killing them if it was impossible to expel them, other wise dominate the outer circles inhabited by Arabs.

Prof. Adir Cohen tells us that those stories stereotyping Arabs are mainly forwarded to infants and elementary school students in Israel.

Amos Auz's above-mentioned story, the young Jewish man, Matanyaho, describes the inhabitants of the outer circles, the Arabs, as:

A dark and dirty people, creating lice and fleas with a foul smell... While they are over flooding the west, they burn any thing they meet in their way, uproot trees, graze fields, cut fences, step over gardens and turn the color of orchards from green to yellow...

This stereotyping that is fraught with racism, transience, hate, and malice is repeated in stories and novels written by Israeli fanatic story tellers such as: AUDID Bitser, Nami aufri, Iden Sreij, Inan Drour, and Bagal Mustezone.

This stereotyping is repeated in 520 novels that Professor Adir Cohn wrote a research on and concluded saying that: An Ugly face in the Mirror, which is a field survey: We found in the 520 Israeli novels that the Arab is depicted with ugliness, savageness, bushy moustaches, big face scars and that he is a highway rubber, drug smuggles and Jews killer...

This repeated image forms and engraves in the imagination of elementary school children for whom these novels and stories are written a fearful conviction. Cohn says that 75% of the students think of the Arab as: A person who kidnaps babies, a killer, terrorist, criminal... 80% of them think of the Arab to have a fearful face, dirty, and has face scars... One of the students said: we have to kill the Arabs, sit them on electric chairs, hang and expel them....

The Arab in this message, and the conviction Zionist writers want to raise the Jewish Israeli new generation on, is an inhuman creature, enemy, his identity makes of him just an enemy, just because he is an Arab: so he should be killed without a conscience restraining, because by nature he deserves to be killed.


New Israeli generations were brought up and enlisted at an early age in what they call The Gednaa and The Nahal, which are as described by the "Israeli Arab" writer, Ghanem Fazaal, Israeli organizations "in which teenagers (below 18 years) are trained on use of arms, that is before joining the army, and on voluntary work in Zionist colonies to support them.

It is possible to say that this type of narration in most stories and novels, especially those written in the thirties and forties of the 20th century, formed the background for military action that permits the killing of Arabs. It is possible that the head of the Israeli intelligence, General Maier Dajan, is one of those who were brought up reading such type of fiction and believed in the ideology they carry: so he shamelessly announced: I believe in killing Arabs.

It, as in all kinds of conviction that is implanted in the minds of the new Zionist generation, it is a conviction promoting the idea of killing Arabs is a moral act, which had been continuing since Zionist colonizers started coming to Palestine. Killing Arabs is a common "practice" that requires no justification, among Israelis and Americans, America, the regime that shares with Israel the aim to control the Arab land. America supports Israel with money, armament and diplomacy, and protects its wars and its aggression.

With such background of an ideology, which considers Arabs ugly, backward, killers... Israel waged its wars against the Arabs, as a result of charging most of the settlers (colonialists) with hate malice, and encouraging them to Join "the Israeli defense forces" to kill Arabs.

But the Israeli political/military harangue claims the contrary, it call its army "defense forces" and that it aggression is an act of defense, and that it retaliates to Arabs who want to kill Jews.

Defense means, in principle, that you should not initiate war, but to retaliate, but the contents of Zionist stories and novels contradict this claim. The Israeli novelist, Yitzhak Shleif wrote in his novel The Accident of Gabriel Tiroch in which teacher Gabriel told his students:

... We have to take the initiative of attacking at any convenient time; the fate of the country is decided by offence and not defense.

The teacher proceeds with his instructions and explains: ... The attack and terrorism units should move during night against the Arab gangs in towns and villages, and beat them hard to fill their hearts with fear. We should leave behind us destruction and desolation to teach every Arab mother an ever lasting lesson...

IN another place in the novel teacher Gabriel says preaching his students employing a figurative style by calling Arabs snakes:

... We should kill the Arab snakes while near their holes... The second stage is to sneak into Arab villages, which are the killer's dens and completely destroy them on the heads of the Arab killers who inhabit them...

Such wording is found in the book Stories from Jerusalem by Youkhfid sax, as well as in other novels and stories. The clarity of such words doesn't require any clarification or comments. It is enough to point out two points:

First: Reading such "literature" frightened Prof. Adir Cohn who found out that 90% of the students whom he surveyed, fully deny the Arabs the right in their country, or coexistence built on the bases of equality with themselves in Palestine. And if there is tolerance it doesn't exceed 10% of those students, a tolerance that is based on transcendence...

Second: This type of narration is based on the actual state of affairs: On the basis of the damage that "The Israeli Defense forces" left behind it in more than one part of the Arab land it invaded. This is what happened in Lebanon where the bawdiness of Israel left behind it destroyed houses, infrastructure, and even air raid shelters on the heads of women and children taking refuge in them. This type of narration calling for killing Arabs was expressed in the massacres committed by the Zionist armed gangs, and later by their "I D F" such as the Deir Yassin , Tantoura... massacres in Palestine and Sabra and Shatila and Kana in Lebanon.


"The Israeli Defense Forces" Is nothing but an army of offence and aggression, based on a referential ideology the bases of which is this narration of Zionist racial stories and novels, the ideology of the ugly Arab. It is the firmly established ideology of the conviction that the Arab is an enemy because of his identity; so he should be killed.

As the image of the ugly face formed with its fearful detonation the basis for the critical study of Prof. Cohn, we ought to note that it came right after the Arab defeat in June1967. That is after the expansion of the internal circle of lights, and the important achievement of strengthening its protective wall.

It is possible to conclude, without reducing the importance of this study, that this study and its critical attitude was written after Israel's confirmed its military superiority, and becoming a state of an arsenal of high tech armament. The canon, at least proportionally, replaced the weapon of the word. It, at least relatively, could afford to compensate a literary narration, which is more moderate, or relatively humane; so as not to defame its reputation, especially that these stories were republished over and over and translated to a number of languages including Arabic.

It is possible to say now that the ideology of the ugly face that should be killed, when it went out of control, created an international condemnation of Israel. And became without "peace" that is necessary for the survival of Israel when it could, due to its military strength, impose its conditions on the Arabs!!!

The defensive wall of the circle of lights was strengthened starting with the expulsion of the Arabs from their land, and then the circle of light became wider with the annexation of East Jerusalem, building of colonies (settlements), and the occupation/annexation of the Golan Heights and a part of South Lebanon... Then the Camp David Agtreement, and the signing of peace agreements with some Arab regimes...

Iraq, temporally, looks as the dark circle, which the American Administration is annexing to the circles of lights with the pretence of introducing democracy, and the liberation of the Iraqis. Didn't President Bush announce:

We should be ready to hit any dark place in the world.

It is the same type of narration, that of the United States and the Zionist State. It is the same "message" claiming that Arabs ought to be civilized, and cover them with the lights of the city... that is by hitting them hard and control their sources of wealth...

We should be thankful for this blessing!!!

The indirect "literary" imaginary narration is in harmony with the direct political approach based on military strength, and supported by the unilateral super power.

We, the Arabs, as being a backward people, existing in the circle of darkness, the circle of evil, we the great circle, which is being destroyed by Israel to protect its circle of light That is racially and culturally superior...

The circle of light should be widened, or as per Moshe Dayan's political logic: The necessity of the creation of Greater Israel, or the lebensraum scope of Israel.

For the need of creating this lebensraum scope Iraq is being damaged now as was the case of Lebanon in the past.

And for this scope the United States of America is presently threatening Syria.

And for this scope, racist Israelis are writing stories and novels, which are against man's humanity, and against the facts of history.